HomeArticlesVeganz is the world's first vegan supermarket chain

Vegans on the Planet and among us

With the accelerated growth of the population on Earth, all needs and opportunities are increasing no less rapidly. In today's society, it is no longer enough to get by with one vehicle per family, simple homemade food, a minimum set of clothes and gadgets: humanity is asking for more and more, not noticing many consequences ... The same applies to the food system, or rather, its absence. To date, food has ceased to be a means of maintaining the health of the body and has received the status of leading pleasures, for the satisfaction of which people are ready to go to many, often cruel, actions.

However, there is a radical stratum of the population that has abandoned the products of violence and animal origin in favor of plant foods for medical, ethical and environmental (or all together) reasons - vegans. They also do not eat honey, do not use fur, leather, silk or wool, and often oppose animal testing and use in the entertainment industry. This trend is a minority in relation to the rest of the population of the Planet, so its representatives face some difficulties in choosing food, food in restaurants, clothes, shoes, etc., and especially from those who hold other views.

However, the vegan movement is currently gaining popularity, especially among Westerners. A healthy lifestyle, a caring attitude towards living beings and respect for nature are becoming more and more relevant for the masses. Many authoritative and scientific communities are calling on humanity to consume less red meat , increase the percentage of fresh vegetables and fruits in their diet, or switch to a completely plant-based diet , explaining this with a beneficial effect on human health and the environment.

How did Veganz come about?

More and more manufacturers, catering establishments and stores focusing on vegans are appearing all over the world (by the way, we recently wrote about European stores where there are no plastic bags and other disposable containers) . One such place is Europe's first vegan supermarket chain, Veganz , founded in Germany in February 2011 by Jan Bredack, who is also a top manager at Daimler-Benz and has been a vegan since 2009.

Jan Bredak, at the age of 42, after many years of hard work and suffering from burnout at that time, decided to change his lifestyle and worldview, starting with the writing of the book “Vegan für alle: Warum wir richtig leben sollten” (“Veganism for everyone: Why should we live right? The idea of ​​opening a supermarket of vegan products came to him after a trip to Russia and the Scandinavian countries, where it was difficult to buy in regular stores.

Goals and initiatives

“I do it because my heart says so. Motivation is not money, but a chance to do something good in life, ”Bredak said in an interview with The Local .

The goal of supermarkets is not to make the entire world community vegan, but to help vegans spend less effort. Veganz, following its slogan "We love life" ("Wir lieben Leben"), is a major wholesaler of cruelty-free products. The owners manage their own stores, participate in various exhibitions and festivals, and also supply products to other retail outlets and the largest German supermarket chains (Edeka, dm-drogerie markt, Kaiser's/Tengelmann, Globus, Metro and others).

Today stores (10 in total) can be found in major European cities such as Berlin (3 stores), Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Munich, Prague, Vienna. It is planned to open a vegan mall (including clothing stores, shoes and a restaurant) in the city of Portland, Oregon, as the most vegan city in the United States. In addition to the production and supply of products, the company offers catering services, arranges vegan culinary master classes, nutrition seminars, and film screenings.

Veganz supermarket shelves include fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen or chilled products from the US, UK and other European countries, meat substitutes, superfoods, plant-based pet food, and non-food products such as books, household items, etc. Supermarkets have cafes where you will be served tasty and healthy food.

Own products for vegans

According to scarce statistics , in Germany, about 1% of the population follows a vegan diet (for comparison, this figure is 5% in Israel and 4% in Sweden). To support vegans in their difficult decision, Veganz launched its own brand of vegan products in the spring of 2015. Initially, the assortment included 50 products of plant origin, and by the end of the current (2016) year it is planned to increase their number to 100. At the same time, Veganz guarantees high-quality plant materials of proven origin, as well as respect for human, animal and environmental rights in production. You can also order products through the online store .

Instead of a conclusion

If you find it difficult to completely give up food of animal origin, make the refusal gradual and incomplete. Add more vegetables and fruits, root crops and greens to your diet, try to experiment when cooking, develop a respectful and compassionate attitude towards other living beings and the Nature that surrounds you. HappyCow portal will always help you , where it is easy to find a healthy food establishment anywhere in the world.

Be happy and healthy!

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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