Oceanic garbage islands - a new heritage of civilization

The problem of garbage of modern civilization has not only affected human habitats, but has long gone beyond them. At the moment, the ocean is turning into a garbage dump, and its inhabitants eat plastic and die from human negligence towards other life forms.

Where can vegans and vegetarians get biologically significant elements

In order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life, it is very important to saturate the body with useful elements, eat right and balanced, and make physical activity. But can a person, without resorting to violence and eating food of animal origin, get all the necessary substances from plant food without harming health and life? The answers are in the article.

Friendship without borders in photos

The animal world is interesting and diverse, it has its own laws, hierarchy, values ​​and emotions.
Animals create families, care for children, show loyalty and care, build strong relationships and play a very important role in maintaining the balance of the Earth's ecosystem. They have the same right to a free life as any other living being. Among other things, communication with animals can bring a lot of positive experiences, new discoveries, deep knowledge of natural laws and ourselves. These beautiful photos are a vivid proof of that.

How to prepare recyclables for recycling

In the modern world, the problem of garbage is becoming more and more global, reaching even uninhabited places. In order not to end up among rubbish heaps very soon, it is necessary today to take measures for the proper disposal of waste created by man. Recycling is the only possible way out of this situation. And it's not as difficult as it might seem. But the little effort spent will bring a significant result.

Beautician herself. Part 2

Body care is a responsible procedure. But can we take this responsibility on ourselves without resorting to the help of cosmetologists? Only nature can be the best assistant in this. She gave us everything we need for health and beauty. So let's take advantage of its riches!

Beautician herself. Part 1

The beauty industry is thriving at a tremendous pace, turning a woman into a constantly addicted buyer.
Beauty standards are changing, and care products are changing with them. But is external artificial beauty really more important than internal and natural? Can women really no longer be beautiful without chemistry or plastic surgery? In this article, we begin the story of more effective, cheap and natural means for caring for your body.

Nikolai Drozdov: animal lover with 45 years of vegetarianism

Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov has been an outstanding figure in science for more than 50 years. He is famous not only for his love for animals as the author and host of the "In the World of Animals" program, but also as an authoritative scientist, member of expeditions, author of numerous scientific papers, as well as a vegetarian, a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and a tireless optimist.

Zero Waste Stores: Myth or Reality?

To the store without a plastic disposable bag? And home without garbage? Is this possible in modern realities or is it a utopia? The article talks about existing stores in which the impossible became possible.

Note to housewives: ecological alternatives to household chemicals

With the development of the chemical industry, the number of diseases, including incurable ones, has also increased. But do we really need all this chemistry in everyday life? Can't we get by with healthier alternatives? Everything turns out to be much easier than you could imagine. In this article, you can find recipes for keeping your home clean without the use of harsh chemicals.

Global warming on Earth: statistics and results of 2014

2014 was a very warm year and, according to four independent data sets from researchers, the warmest year on record since 1880. The article cites facts from a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather and Climate Center report, US Department of Commerce. The study uses data from 413 scientists from 58 countries. The published results speak of a clear deterioration of the ecological situation on our planet due to the ongoing global warming.