• A mobile recycling center operates in Kyiv

    Have you heard about separate waste collection for a long time and even wanted to start such collection at home, but did not know how to do it right and where to take it? Residents of Kyiv, now you have a great opportunity to take care of Nature (and ultimately yourself) by donating waste to a mobile collection point that…

  • San Francisco introduces a ban on the sale of water in small plastic bottles

    San Francisco became the first city in the US to take a new revolutionary step in the fight against environmental pollution by introducing a ban on the sale of water in plastic bottles up to 0.6 liters. According to the adopted resolution, plastic bottles will be phased out of the market within 4 years…

  • US to ban products with plastic microbeads in 2017-2018

    Last week, US President Barack Obama signed an executive order to stop the production and sale of cosmetic and hygiene products containing plastic microbeads in the country. On July 1, 2017, the US will stop making face wash, toothpaste and shampoo with…

  • Mr. Trash Wheel collected 350 tons of ocean debris in Baltimore (USA) in 1.5 years

    In May 2014, the non-profit organization Waterfront Partnership in Baltimore (USA) installed the world's first ever-functioning ocean debris wheel onshore. The device "Mr. Trash Wheel" (Mr. Trash Wheel) is made in the form of a large wheel through which ...

  • Outcomes of the UN Conference (COP21) in Paris on climate change

    On December 15, 2015, after two weeks of negotiations at the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris, the leadership of 196 countries around the world came to the approval of an agreement to take action to prevent detrimental climate change. The main…

  • Bill Gates, IT industry leaders and businessmen created Breakthrough Energy Coalition to develop clean energy

    Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, philanthropist and the richest man on Earth, announced the creation of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, designed to invest in the development of renewable and clean energy. Many other well-known businessmen and…

  • Georgy Ermolenko, Higher School of Economics: Renewable Energy in the World and in Russia

    The National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) has published an article on renewable energy written by Georgy Ermolenko, head of the Center for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources at the Institute of Energy at the Higher School of Economics. Here are excerpts from that post...

  • Marches around the world in support of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21)

    Everyone knows about climate change not only from the news pages and various scientific reports, but it is also very easy to notice in life. Large temperature contrasts, abnormal weather conditions, shift of the seasons by at least a month, frequent natural disasters, and so on. And I would like to say that the role ...

  • Sobyanin is proposed to introduce a separate subject "Ecology" in Moscow schools

    The Moscow Public Relations Committee informs that in the Public Chamber of the City of Moscow, within the framework of the thematic platform of the VII Moscow Civil Forum "Environmental Responsibility of the City and Citizens", a round table was held "What tasks can and should environmental education and enlightenment solve ...

  • UN: 'Biodegradable' plastic decomposes poorly and harms the oceans

    According to CBC News, the UN, as part of its United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), has published a report on biodegradable plastic. A special type of plastic - biodegradable (biodegradable) - was created in order to minimize the amount of waste ...