MainNewsFrom 2021, Moscow will purchase only electric buses (instead of diesel buses)

Russian electric bus of the second generation LiAZ-6274, the tests of which were completed in July 2017, can accommodate 75 passengers (27 seats)

The official website of the Mayor of Moscow published details about the future of public transport in the Russian capital from Maxim Liksutov, Deputy Mayor in the government and head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development.

It is reported that from 2021, Moscow will stop purchasing buses with diesel internal combustion engines that are now common in the city - instead, only electric buses will be bought . Specific actions for this were taken already this year: in the summer, on the websites of the Department of Transport of the city of Moscow and the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, a draft technical assignment for the Moscow electric bus published , which provides that the capital's electric buses will be silent and low-floor, produced in the Russian Federation, as well as:

  • have a power reserve of at least 40 kilometers and reach a maximum speed of 70 km / h;
  • available for operation at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees;
  • have a 15-year life cycle, during which maintenance and repair is carried out;
  • adapted for all categories of citizens (including those with limited mobility);
  • equipped with a climate control system that automatically warms up and cools the interior to the desired temperature;
  • have USB connectors for charging electronic devices, video surveillance and satellite navigation systems, access to Wi-Fi.

Purchases of Moscow electric buses will begin next year, and it is planned to purchase 300 electric buses annually until 2020 inclusive.

The authorities promise "one hundred percent environmental friendliness" of the new type of public transport and say that electric buses will be charged in parks and at the terminus of city routes. However, it is important to understand that in order to guarantee such environmental friendliness, it is necessary to ensure sustainable production of electricity - from renewable sources , and the level of their use in Russia, unfortunately, is currently insignificant.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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