HomeNewsFrom April 7 to May 7, a waste paper collection campaign is taking place in the offices of Moscow and other cities of Russia

From April 7 to May 7, 2016, an action called "Green Friday" is taking place in Moscow and other large cities of Russia.

SAVE WOOD project , aims to collect and recycle several tons of waste paper, thereby saving dozens of trees, saving thousands of kilowatts of electricity and tens of thousands of liters of water. Office paper, magazines, advertising printing, newspapers, books, paper packaging, cardboard are accepted for collection. The action takes place within the framework of the All-Russian Ecological Marathon and is timed to coincide with the International Earth Day under the auspices of the UN, which is celebrated on April 22.

Participation in the action is free. To register, fill out a form on the site spasi-derevo.ru , after which the participants will receive detailed instructions on organizing the collection of waste paper in the office, as well as promotional materials, at the specified email address. Participants can also place their logos on the promotion page. At the end of the marathon, the organizers will take the waste paper from the collection points and transfer it for recycling. To register participants in the cities of Novosibirsk , Berdsk , Novokuznetsk , Krasnoyarsk , Tomsk , Barnaul and Tyumen , you must follow the appropriate links. Other cities require coordinators.

After the end of the campaign, all participants will be given certificates with the amount of waste paper collected, and the leaders will be rewarded with live personalized trees that will be planted by the Podari-tree.rf during restoration plantings. The organization that will hand over the maximum amount of paper waste will also receive a wonderful personalized cake with sweet trees from the partner of the action - Cake&Cake .

Participation in the action is a great opportunity to help nature by acting together with a large number of people. In addition, you can see for yourself how easy separate collection is and organize the collection of waste paper (and other waste such as plastic, batteries, etc.) in your office on a permanent basis. This position will provide an opportunity to declare the company's corporate environmental responsibility. Start today to make efforts to conserve natural resources and do it together! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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