Organize battery collection at home and at work

All of us, one way or another, in our lives use equipment that requires batteries to operate. It can be not only large items, such as a camera, radio, etc., but also remote controls, flashlights, toys, etc. Millions of small, invisible batteries accumulate in landfills, releasing harmful chemicals, heavy metals and acids into the soil and air that pose a threat to the environment. It is believed that one finger battery pollutes with heavy metals about 20 m 2 of soil.

The electricity that a battery gives is generated due to strong chemical reactions of the reagents that make up its composition. If the battery case is damaged and these substances get out, it is dangerous not only for the operation of equipment, but also for human health. That is why it is impossible to simply throw away batteries. This is warned by a sign with a crossed-out urn on the body or packaging.

What hazardous substances are contained in batteries? Among them:

  • lead (accumulates in the body, affecting the kidneys, nervous system, bone tissue);
  • cadmium (harms the lungs and kidneys);
  • mercury (affects the brain and nervous system);
  • nickel and zinc (may cause dermatitis);
  • alkalis (burn through the mucous membranes and skin).

All cities have hazardous waste collection points, which include batteries. They are also found in large hypermarkets of electronics or household items. But often people are reluctant to specifically carry a few batteries and it's easier to throw them in the trash. There is a way out: put a box (or a plastic bottle) in your stairwell or office at work to collect batteries and, when a large number of them accumulate, hand it over to collection points. For such an important role, a new person can be appointed each time so that everyone can contribute to the preservation of the ecology of our planet and the health of people.

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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