HomeNewsApril 2016 became the seventh month in a row with a temperature record

The temperature readings of the past month have led researchers to disappointing conclusions about global warming. April 2016 not only became the seventh month in a row with an increase in the temperature record, but also "beat" the previous April figure by the largest margin on record. Such a maximum separation has been happening for three months in a row: it was first recorded in February, after which scientists began to talk about an emergency situation in the global climate.

According to NASA data published this weekend, the average temperature of the earth and water surface this April exceeded the previous record (from 2010) by 0.24 degrees Celsius, and when compared with data for 1951-1980 - by 1.11 °C.

Andy Pitman, director of the Australian ARC Center of Excellence for Climate System Science at the University of New South Wales: “The sheer scale at which we are breaking records is interesting. Everything is definitely moving in a bad direction. Climatologists have been warning about this since at least the 1980s. And it became incredibly obvious in the 2000s. Why be surprised now? The 1.5°C global warming goal [set by the Paris agreement ] is wishful thinking. I don't know if you will reach 1.5°C if you stop emissions today. Too much inertia in the system. This puts enormous pressure on [global warming of] 2°C.”

According to climatologist and author of the RealClimate Gavin Schmidt, 2016 is now more than 99% likely to be the warmest year on record.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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