Show kindness, on purpose and by accident

“Be kinder whenever possible. And it's always possible." — E.S. Dalai Lama XIV In everyday life we ​​are used to associate the concept of ecology with the general state of the environment, but rarely with living beings inhabiting the Planet and interacting with us daily in explicit and implicit forms. However…

Refuse to visit fast food restaurants with disposable tableware

We have repeatedly advised not to use disposable tableware in your everyday life. Today's advice refers to visiting places where food is given out in such containers. The culture of the so-called "fast food" - fast food (and more often simply "junk food") and establishments of the same fast food - ...

Don't Buy Too Much New Clothes

Today, the fashion industry has acquired an amazing scale and occupies a very important place in the life of every financially secure person. For a long time, clothing has ceased to be an object of protection from the weather or a cover for nudity. Designers, marketing people, and sales people do everything…

Buy a lunch box for food

At work, we spend the largest part of our lives - at least 8 hours every day. At this time, there is at least 1 meal. Due to busy schedules, many employees dine in the office so as not to waste valuable work time. The office usually employs from 5 to 200 people. If every day...

Install economical faucet and shower heads

The daily consumption of water on our planet is enormous. If in the old days clean drinking water was used mainly for food purposes, today it is thoughtlessly spent for less significant needs. And every year it becomes catastrophically smaller, especially in poor countries and regions with…

Buy local food

We all sometimes strive for what is not there - this also applies to food, especially in the cold season, when the choice of local vegetables and, especially, fruits becomes very limited. However, buying the gifts of nature from your region is very beneficial for many reasons: …

Write to transport companies about vegetarian food

The life of people who adhere to a vegetarian or more strict diet is sometimes complicated even in such simple things as long journeys using public transport: trains, planes, etc. Unfortunately, not all transport companies see a demand for special types of food and do not…

Insulate windows - this will help keep warm

During the cold season, everyone wants to return to a cozy warm apartment. But in old buildings it happens that the heat-insulating mechanisms were either not used initially, or have already worn out. As a result, a lot of heat escapes through different places in the house. Main sources of heat loss: windows,…

Organize battery collection at home and at work

All of us, one way or another, in our lives use equipment that requires batteries to operate. It can be not only large items, such as a camera, radio, etc., but also remote controls, flashlights, toys, etc. Millions of small, inconspicuous batteries accumulate in landfills, ...

Do not use nitrogen or other chemical fertilizers

When the crop is harvested and the land is ready for winter rest, many farmers fertilize the soil for its more fruitful properties in the next season. The best remedy for this is organic fertilizer (manure) or pre-prepared compost. These substances are not only a good area for development ...