HomeArticlesNote to housewives: ecological alternatives to household chemicals

Relationship between chemicals and diseases

It is terrible to realize that most of our lives we come into contact with elements that are not only completely unhealthy for our body, but also harm it. Why is there an organism - an entire ecosystem of our Planet. The indomitable chemical industry provides us with many "goods" in the short term, under which the real enemy is hiding in the long term. This includes pesticide food, antibiotics, various GMOs, oil industry products, household chemicals and other “properties” of civilization. You may have noticed the "Dangerous" label on these products. It is almost impossible to completely remove them from life, because everyone has long forgotten how to live without them, and do not even try to look for an alternative. Going to the doctors has become a common thing - I took a pill, and "be healthy." But the cause of the disease, unfortunately, is not removed by a pill. It is the same in everyday life: air fresheners do not eliminate an unpleasant odor, but only mask it with the help of carcinogens hazardous to health: formaldehyde, benzene, toluene. They can lead to the development of breast cancer. Scientists at the Silent Spring Institute in the United States (Silent Spring) came to this conclusion as a result of a study conducted with the participation of 1500 women. In US markets, more than 80,000 products sold in supermarkets contain substances hazardous to health, especially bisphenol A., as well as our beloved chlorine. Scientists have proven that these chemicals have biological activity, mimicking estrogen, which is the causative agent of cancer in women.

In addition to breast cancer, dangerous toxic compounds cause a number of other pathological diseases. Accumulating in the body, they slow down the developmental processes in children, are transmitted from a woman to her fetus, provoke body dysfunctions, the methods of treatment for which scientists have not found. In a French town near an incinerator that emitted dangerous dioxins into the atmosphere, the incidence of cancer has increased from 6 to 23%. There is even a street called Cancer Alley. Once in the atmosphere, chemical particles settle on the surface of the earth, are absorbed into it, absorbed by the oceans, and all this returns to us with food and water. Thus, harming our Planet, we harm ourselves and our future generations, since everything in nature is interconnected.

Perhaps it's time to take care of your own health and take a more sensible approach to your purchases?

Ecological alternatives to household chemicals

The article “ Lost contact with nature” addressed the problem of the technogenic world and our removal from the natural source, it was proposed to bring more natural products and objects into our lives. Let's now look at how we can alleviate the chemical impact on our daily lives and what comfortable alternatives can be found in every housewife.

  1. toilet cleaning - probably the most important procedure that requires special attention. As you know from the advertisements of various "ducklings", the toilet lid contains a huge amount of terribly dangerous bacteria that are just waiting to attack your immune system. First, let your immune system finally work, otherwise it will completely atrophy. And secondly, this information is sold to us along with the product. Maybe it's really not so scary? How can you get rid of these same microbes, but at the same time not flush even more dangerous chemicals down the toilet? Vinegar is the perfect solution! It not only kills many bacteria, but also helps to get rid of urinary stone, limescale and rust.
    • We take a glass of 9% vinegar (however, if you find it, it is better to use 70%), pour it into a container, cover with a lid (to avoid a strong smell) and heat it up to about 40 degrees. After that, pour the toilet bowl with warm liquid (for greater efficiency, you can add a small amount of soda or iodine) and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse. It is better to carry out this procedure before going to bed and leave it on all night (especially if you added iodine).
    • A worthy alternative to vinegar can be citric acid. For one cleaning, it is enough to pour the contents of two bags into the toilet and leave for a couple of hours.
    • A good disinfectant effect can be obtained by filling the toilet with baking soda, pouring a mixture of citric acid and vinegar on top.
  2. Cleaning ceramic surfaces (bathroom, washbasin, tiles). Helpers here are soda, lemon and vinegar.
    • To get rid of limescale and traces of soap, it is enough to rub the place of contamination with lemon peel, which must be sprinkled with salt in advance. If these manipulations do not produce the desired effect, prepare a paste of salt and vinegar. Apply a sufficiently thick mass to a stiff brush and thoroughly wipe the entire surface in a circular motion, then rinse it with water and wipe dry.
    • Heated vinegar (see point 1) or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and alcohol helps against rust. Pour 100 ml of ammonia into a glass container, add 50 g of hydrogen peroxide in a thin stream, shake the closed container, apply the resulting solution to a clean rag and wipe the surface. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off. All manipulations should be carried out with gloves.
    • A soap solution with citric acid will return your bathroom to its original shine.
  3. Windows and mirrors will be perfectly washed with a solution of ammonia.
  4. To clean the pipe drain , you need to pour a pack of soda into it and pour it with hot water or heated vinegar. Leave for a few hours, preferably overnight.
  5. In the kitchen The following manipulations will help you:
    • To clean kitchen surfaces from grease, you will need a simple mustard powder. To do this, prepare a solution from a glass of water and 2-3 tablespoons of mustard powder. Apply gruel with a wet sponge to all dirty surfaces and leave for 10 minutes. Then wipe them properly with a sponge (or a brush, if the surface allows it) and rinse with a soft cloth. If necessary, repeat the procedure in those places where it is required.
    • With the removal of complex stains from the surface of the countertop, a gruel of soda, left for 20-30 minutes, does an excellent job.
    • Wash dishes without chemicals? Is it possible? Certainly! Mix in 500 ml of water a tablespoon of soda and 3 tablespoons of mustard. For lovers of foam, you can rub it into a solution of laundry soap. Or just use mustard powder paste. Lemon juice will give shine to surfaces.
    • You can descale the kettle by boiling a small amount of water mixed with a few tablespoons of vinegar in it. If the smell of vinegar puts you off, cut a lemon and boil the kettle twice.
    • The unpleasant smell of the refrigerator will help to remove the mixture of lemon juice and water in equal proportions. If there is dirt, you can add soda to the solution.
    • Stains in the microwave will be washed off by the same lemon, and in a fairly easy way. Place the sliced ​​lemon in a cup of water and turn on the stove for a few minutes. Lemon essential oil dissolves grease and fills the stove with a pleasant aroma.
  6. Wet room cleaning done with the following ingredients:
    • Wooden painted and tiled floors can be washed with a solution of vinegar at the rate of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water. For unpainted floors and linoleum, a solution of dark laundry soap, which has bactericidal properties, is perfect.
    • If you need to polish furniture, use this tool: mix olive oil and lemon juice in equal proportions, apply a little mixture to a flannel cloth and polish the surface. This will not only give the furniture a beautiful look, but also protect the wood from the harmful effects of humidity or excessively dry air.
    • Disinfection can also be carried out with more pleasant aromas than vinegar: essential oils of geranium, cedar, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender added to a rag or to a cleaning solution.
  7. When the cleaning of the house is completed, it does not hurt to fill it pleasant aromas. To do this, make your own air fresheners:
    1. Lavender leaves will not only turn your head with a wonderful aroma, but also protect your home from moths and various bacteria floating in the air. In addition, leaves of bergamot, jasmine, mint, etc. are suitable. You can use a variety of sachets, bags of herbs, the aromas of which you like.
    2. To create a stronger scent, use an oil burner filled with essential oils or incense (incense sticks), or simply spray drops of essential oils in various places.
    3. For a longer lasting effect, place dry flowers in a small bowl and hide a small sponge in the middle. Saturate the sponge with any vegetable oil mixed with an essential oil that you like to smell. Citrus and coniferous oils or geranium oil are especially good - they disinfect the air. From time to time, add fresh oil to the sponge or drip extra ether.

Well, our house is clean and full of freshness! And at the same time, we have preserved the health of ourselves, our loved ones and other inhabitants of our beautiful Planet. This is not a complete list of all home care products. In the following articles, we will look at ecological laundry, body care products, etc. Be with us! Live green - it's not that hard!

May all living beings be happy! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova


  1. For me personally, kneading, mixing and measuring something is not very convenient. I use our domestic household chemicals. I buy Lily of the Valley washing cream and wash everything with it! I wash them in the washing machine too.

    1. If you put personal convenience in the first place, this is, of course, your right. But the article is aimed at those who follow other priorities 😉 One of the goals of this article, as well as other materials on the site, is caring for others (and not only people), acting in accordance with the needs of the entire Planet.

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