Created by Canadian cartoonist Frederic Buck in 1987, "The Man Who Planted Trees" is an adaptation of the 1953 short story of the same name by writer Jean Giono, also known as "The Story of Elzéard Bouffier", "The Most Outstanding Man I've Ever Met" and " The man who planted Hope and reaped Happiness. This is a story about a shepherd who, for 35 years, restored a forest in a deserted valley near Provence on his own.
The film won about 40 prizes, including the 1988 Oscars, the 1987 World Animation Celebration (WAC) Grand Prize, and (ibid.) the 1987 Best Film award.
“If every person on a piece of his land did everything he can, how beautiful our Earth would be” (c) A.P. Chekhov
See also anekdotig:
- Article: " Loss of forest - loss of life "
- Video: " On the importance of forest conservation and restoration "
- Video: " Speech by 12-year-old Severn Suzuki at the UN Conference in 1992 "
- News: " 100 thousand people supported the initiative of the ONF "Green Shield" to limit deforestation in Moscow and the Moscow region "
- Tip: " Use e-books - save trees "
- Tip: " Buy recycled toilet paper "