This cartoon is a 2014 musical comedy that demonstrates the influence of mankind on the harmonious life of animals and insects in the forest. The cartoon was awarded a special jury prize at the International Film Festival held in Japan from August 21 to 25, 2014.
- Created in the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm".
- Director - Dmitry Vysotsky.
- Set Designer - Andrey Sikorsky.
See also anekdotig:
- Video: " On the importance of conservation and restoration of forests ".
- Video: How to use paper towels sparingly .
- Article: " Loss of forest - loss of life ."
- Article: " How to prepare recyclables for recycling ."
- Tip: " Use cloth instead of paper " (October 5, 2015)
- Tip: " Buy recycled toilet paper " (August 3, 2015)
- Tip: " Buy e-tickets and don't print them unnecessarily " (July 20, 2015)
- Advice: " Use e-books - save trees " (July 6, 2015)
- News: " October 22 is World Paper Free Day " (October 20, 2015)