HomeNewsSince 2017, utility bills for those who sort garbage will be reduced in Russia

Yesterday, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Minstroy of Russia) became aware of the preparation of amendments to government acts related to the provision of public services for the management of municipal solid waste (MSW).

The changes will lead to the fact that from January 1, 2017, the general column “Collection and removal of waste” will disappear in utility bills. The cost will no longer be calculated based on the area of ​​​​the premises - it will be determined by the basic tariff for the service for handling solid waste and the waste standard per person. In practice, this means that the cost will depend on the amount of waste that is not subject to burial and incineration: the less there is, the lower the fee will be. The recipient of these funds and the owner of the waste will be a monopolist - a regional waste management operator (competitions will be held at his choice). The operator will be able to sell waste to processors at market prices.

This event has already been commented on in the Russian division of Greenpeace:

Such initiatives of the relevant department should be welcomed. Since now, regardless of the number of people living in an apartment, those who generate exclusively mixed waste, and those who sort their waste and send it for processing, pay a single amount. A differentiated tariff will restore fairness and help stop subsidizing those who litter a lot. The best way to solve the problem of the growth of landfills across the country is difficult to come up with.

However, Greenpeace urges the authorities to be more ambitious and, in addition to lowering fees for those who sort, also increase the tariff for landfilling and incineration and subsidize recyclers.

It remains to be hoped that the authorities will bring the initiative to the end with the maximum benefit for the country's ecology.

PS Separately, we note that since February 6, in the Moscow city district of Troitsk, an action has begun

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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