HomeNewsTurin wants to become a "vegan city", while Barcelona claims to be "vegetarian friendly"

Vegetable and fruit market in Turin, Italy; photo credit: roger.w800 (Flickr)

Chiara Appendino, the 32-year-old mayor of the Italian city of Turin, presented her political program for the next 5 years, some of the points of which are aimed at promoting veganism and vegetarianism at the government level.

Appendino's program states that "the promotion of vegan and vegetarian diets is a fundamental step to protect the environment, the health of residents, and the welfare of animals." All the details have not yet been disclosed, but it is already known that in the next 5 years, the children of Turin will be told about the problems caused by food of animal origin. This will be helped by information from specialists in medicine, nutrition and politics, who will teach schoolchildren "how to eat well, protect the environment and respect animal rights."

Stefania Giannuzzi, the environmental advisor appointed by Turin's new mayor, has been a vegetarian for over 20 years and says the program is not something drastic or detrimental to local businesses. rather "simply expands on schemes that have been around here for years". Today, Turin has 30 vegetarian and vegan establishments, most of which have appeared over the past few years.

A similar initiative became known from the neighboring European state - Spain. The Barcelona government has decided to declare the city "veg friendly" or "friend of vegan and vegetarian culture". In particular, a special meeting place BCN Veg Point will be created for this purpose, where consumers and entrepreneurs will discuss the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, and the city will also introduce a special mobile application and a guide to local vegan and vegetarian establishments. In addition, Barcelona will join the world-famous Meat Free Monday initiative , which invites all inhabitants of the planet to give up meat products at least one day a week, thereby reducing the global harm from food of animal origin.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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