HomeNewsLeonardo DiCaprio's environmental film "Save the Planet" ("Before the Flood") appeared for free

Last Sunday, the official debut of a new documentary film dedicated to the problems of ecology and climate change, with Leonardo DiCaprio (Leonardo DiCaprio) in the title role - " Before the Flood " (literally - "Before the Flood", but in the Russian version is known as "Save planet").

For several years now, DiCaprio has been known in the world community not only as an actor, but also as an environmental activist: he is the UN representative on climate change, spoke to the participants of the UN climate summit in 2015, and also at the signing of the Paris climate agreement in 2016. To create this ecological picture, Leonardo traveled for three years to all corners of the planet and met with influential people of our time: US President Barack Obama and US Secretary of State John Kerry, Pope Francis, engineer and head of Tesla Motors Elon Musk, environmental scientist and author of planetary limits Johan Rockström. This is how the Oscar-winning actor managed to collect a lot of facts about global warming and climate change in order to demonstrate them in his new film, along with recommendations for the world's population.

Here's how DiCaprio announced Save the Planet at the European premiere in London:

We've traveled to every corner of the planet to capture the devastating effects of climate change and wonder if humanity is capable of reversing what could be the biggest disaster we've ever seen. [..] We wanted to create a film that would give people a sense of urgency, that would give them an understanding of what specific steps could be taken to address this issue. For example, we are raising the issue of carbon tax, which I have not seen in many documentaries that have been made. Essentially, this is rocking the capitalist economy in order to invest in renewable energy sources and reduce funding and subsidies for oil companies.

Before the Flood was directed by Fisher Stevens and executive produced by Martin Scorsese. The first to show DiCaprio's environmental film was the National Geographic Channel, which promised to distribute this environmental documentary for free on various platforms.

You can watch the film in Russian translation of Save the Planet on Facebook (Russian National Geographic account) , in English - on YouTube (official NatGeo account) . So far, the original version of "Before the Flood" has amassed over 7 million views and 200,000 likes on YouTube. Enjoy watching! And don't forget to share this knowledge with your friends: the more people on the planet who know about the problems and what they can do, the more we have the ability to prevent the effects of global warming.

A list of specific actions that can be taken by each of us to improve the environment and the situation with a changing climate, the authors of the film presented on the project website (in English) .

PS In the first days of the show, Save the Planet won good reviews: almost 4500 people on IMDb 8.5 out of 10 points, and 462 Russian votes on KinoPoisk - 8.3 out of 10.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

1 comment

  1. In continuation of the story about the film and DiCaprio in the context of the well-known hype around Trump's attitude to the environment:

    American actor Leonardo DiCaprio spoke to President-elect Donald Trump about the benefits of environmental protection for the American economy.
    On Thursday, December 8, reports the Associated Press. [..]
    DiCaprio gave Trump a copy of the Save the Planet documentary, in which he starred. The Republican promised to watch the tape. According to Tamminen, the president-elect was interested in the ideas of the actor and offered to meet again.

    (c) lenta.ru

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