Write to manufacturers of goods about the rejection of plastic packaging

How much plastic do you throw away after one trip to the supermarket? If it's not sorted for recycling, it's likely taking up at least half of the bin. Plastic is the scourge of humanity in the 21st century, one of the most difficult problems due to its widespread use in any industry and…

Buy e-tickets and don't print them unnecessarily

More and more services are becoming available for payment via the Internet - electronic tickets for various events (festivals, concerts, theater, etc.) and some types of transport (airplanes, trains) have long become the norm for many of us. E-ticketing could be more environmentally friendly,…

Use a reusable shopping bag

Every day, when shopping in the markets or in stores, in addition to groceries, we bring home from 1 to a dozen plastic bags, which are instantly sent to the trash can. Unfortunately, due to the thinness of the material, there is no technology for their recycling, and most of the population does not…

Use e-books - save trees

In our age of technological progress, there are many positive aspects - for example, the ability to save natural resources. Therefore, there is no such urgent need to use a paper book. According to rough estimates, one tree goes to the production of two books! "I've already noticed, wherever I go...

Use a reusable water container

Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic waste enters the waters of the World Ocean, polluting its flora and fauna, leading to the extinction of species, and poisoning human organisms. Scientists provide data on 275 million tons of plastic waste from 192 countries every year! So many plastic...

Use a glass while brushing your teeth

All of us have been taught from childhood to brush our teeth in order to be healthy. But no one taught that every day in this process we lose up to 10 liters of water in 2 minutes of the procedure! 10 liters times 365 days a year = 3650 liters. And if you clean 2 times a day and the entire population of the Earth ... a cosmic number comes out, not so ...

Ask for a vegetarian menu at the cafe

The choice of diet is in many ways an environmental issue, because food of animal origin requires an incredible amount of natural resources: water, land, soybeans, grains, etc. - not to mention the ethical attitude towards animals ... Consumers form the demand in the market, so it is very important ...