Use a reusable shopping bag

"1 year, 1 customer, 500 bags"

Every day, when shopping in the markets or in stores, in addition to groceries, we bring home from 1 to a dozen plastic bags, which are instantly sent to the trash can. Unfortunately, due to the thinness of the material, there are no technologies for their recycling, and most of the population does not think about this issue. Therefore, tons of plastic end up in landfills, polluting soils and waters, sent to the ocean, forming a huge Pacific garbage patch, or burned in incinerators, releasing dangerous toxic gases into the atmosphere, which leads to global warming and many diseases. The population of the planet is growing, consumption is increasing, the problem is becoming ever larger.

To prevent disaster, we need to stop using single-use plastic bags. Instead, get a reusable bag. It could be:

  • fabric (canvas, linen or cotton) homemade bag of the shape you need;
  • purchased eco-bag or string bag;
  • reusable paper bag;
  • reusable durable plastic bag or bag.

For packaging loose products, you can use:

  • homemade or purchased fabric bags;
  • paper bags;
  • light wicker baskets;
  • plastic bags, washed and dried for reuse.

Save the Planet! Its resources and ability to adapt human activity are not unlimited.

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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