Organize a day without meat and animal products

Touching upon the topic of ecology, it is impossible to keep silent about the problem of animal products. This topic has not only an ethical, religious or medical aspect, but also to a large extent an ecological one. If you recycle plastic, but continue to over-consume meat, then this is not saving the environment. And that's why:

  • the dangerous gas methane emitted when raising livestock for slaughter and obtaining dairy products is the cause of global warming and, together with carbon dioxide from the same animals, accounts for up to 51% of all greenhouse emissions on Earth;
  • more than a third of the land on Earth is used for grazing and growing fodder crops, which not only leads to deforestation (deforestation), but also to a reduction in the habitats of wild animals and their food sources, soil pollution with chemicals and its depletion due to monocultures;
  • animal waste pollutes soils, waters, leading to the extinction of local ecosystems;
  • an exorbitant amount of vital resources, such as water and electricity, is spent on feeding and maintaining livestock. To obtain 1 kg of beef, 4300 liters of water are required;
  • animal husbandry takes away from a person the area for growing food sufficient to feed all people on the planet, which contributes to an increase in mortality from hunger;
  • for animal husbandry, resources are spent in obtaining meat, transporting, storing, as well as in the manufacture of antibiotics and various medicines for treating animals for diseases (and then treating humans for these diseases). For more facts and figures on the impact of animal husbandry on the environment, read our article “ Why and how does animal husbandry harm the environment? ".

Think about whether the steak is worth the sacrifice. In today's world, with a huge variety of plant-based foods, interesting culinary recipes, and the support of a large number of people, it is quite possible to cut down on animal products in your diet.

Free Monday” campaign We call for this too! Experiment at least one day a week without meat, or better yet, any food of animal origin (including seafood and dairy products), and you will see how simple, interesting and can give you moral satisfaction from a good deed! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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