How to become a vegetarian without harm: the path to natural harmony

In recent years, vegetarianism has become increasingly popular for various reasons, but the process of changing the diet seems difficult for any person. What actually hinders and how justified are these reasons? How to make the transition to vegetarianism? The article discusses the main difficulties of changing the diet and provides a plan for specific actions.

E.S. Dalai Lama XIV: Ecology and the human heart

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is known not only among the adherents of Buddhism. He devoted his whole life to promoting high moral values, finding true inner harmony, respect for the environment, combating violence and ignorance. In an article by the author of a well-known saying: “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness,” a fragment of the book “My Tibet” is quoted, which reveals to us his attitude to ecology.

Edible dishes - a new direction in ecology

The global problem of garbage, a huge part of which is disposable tableware, has led to non-standard creative solutions - the creation of its edible variations. In addition, such dishes do not need to be washed, which saves water and time. We offer a small selection of embodied ideas that can inspire you to culinary experiments!

Janez Drnovsek: great president of a small country

Slovenian President Janez Drnovsek was a vegan, animal rights activist and did not hesitate to promote his ideas to the masses, holding a high political office. He created the "Movement for Justice and Development", which works on issues of helping children and the elderly, health care, animal care, healthy food and organic production, environmental care and nature conservation. These initiatives prompted one political observer to refer to the president as the "Gandhi of Slovenia".

7 Days of Garbage Photographs by Gregg Segal

Renowned California photographer Gregg Segal created the controversial 7 Days of Garbage project, in which he photographed his family and friends against the backdrop of garbage and recyclables that had not been thrown out for one week. The author made graphic illustrations of his call to people to think about the quantity and quality of consumption.

Campbell's China Study for Vegetarianism

This article will focus on the results of the largest research project in China, the purpose of which was to find out the relationship between diet and the most common diseases of mankind.
The results of 20 years of work are set out in the book, M.D. Colin Campbell, The China Study. Shocking for scientists were the data they received, which determined a direct relationship between the consumption of animal products and mortality from cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Lost contact with nature

Living in the city and as much as possible fenced off by all the technological innovations from nature, we completely forgot our connection with it. An article about what we can do to restore this lost contact and become more natural, alive and happy.

Proper waste management

In our time of lightning-fast technological development and one-time consumption, waste separation is a very popular problem. Few people understand what exactly needs to be done and how important and necessary it is, although quite a few have heard ... reuse), energy recovery (recover), placement (disposal).

Vegetarianism as a choice of Life!

Why do vegans really refuse to eat animal products, as well as any other products and activities associated with the exploitation of animals? Compassion, the desire for a harmonious life, health benefits, benefits for the environment and humanity as a whole are the main factors that will be discussed in this article about veganism and vegetarianism as a conscious choice of Life. "Life" with a capital letter.

9 limits of the planet and how we have already stepped over 4 of them

Scientists have found that there are 9 boundaries, the excess of which endangers the integrity of our existence. Unfortunately, humanity does not comply with them: 4 out of 9 borders have already been overcome. But there is good news: not all is lost yet. This discovery is called the Planetary Boundary Theory.