HomeArticlesNatural hair care

It is important for many girls to have beautiful long hair. Since ancient times, the presence of an impressive head of hair has been considered a symbol of female beauty and strength. In photographs of the 19th century, it is quite common for women to have hair below the waist. Of course, in those days the rhythm of life was different, and the customs were different, and there was no general fashion for a variety of hairstyles. And you can easily notice what gorgeous curls the ladies of that time had.

But now, with the widest availability of hair care products, there is a spread of a huge number of problems: sometimes dry, sometimes they break, sometimes they fit ugly, etc. And it turned out that the modern beauty industry cannot cope with these problems, but on the contrary, judging by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, it increases them even more. What is the secret? Maybe just in a paradox: the more various care products, the worse the condition of the hair (and not only hair). Of course, malnutrition, environmental ecology, stressful rhythm of life, and heredity are also significant factors of influence. All this together creates unpleasant sensations, the salvation from which we are looking for on the shelves of cosmetic stores or in salons.

In this article, we propose to find another solution to the problem and eradicate one of its sources - chemical products. After all, everything that we put on the skin, including the scalp, enters our body through the cells. And it is quite logical to conclude that these should be natural products, and not industrial-made shampoos and conditioners, generously stuffed with fragrances, dyes, preservatives and other "usefulness" for marketing attraction, as well as tested in terrible conditions on animals. In previous articles on body care (" Beautician for yourself. Part 1 " and " Beautician for yourself. Part 2 "), we offered recipes from natural ingredients. And now it's time to take care of the hair, the care of the condition of which usually consists of three stages: nourishing the hair before washing, directly washing the hair, rinsing. Let's consider these procedures in order.

It is important to remember : the expected effect may not be obtained immediately, since the hair needs to get used to new products and a certain transition period must pass. But after it expires, you will no longer want and will not be able to use chemical products.

Hair masks

With split ends and falling hair, as well as seborrhea, it is useful to use burdock oil to nourish and strengthen hair. To begin with, it needs to be slightly warmed up, and then rubbed into the hair roots, cover the head with a film or cap, wrap with a towel and leave for 30-60 minutes. After that, wash your hair and rinse with water with lemon juice, infusion of chamomile or mint. Also an excellent way to moisturize dry hair is sea buckthorn, coconut, olive, almond oils , in which you can add a few drops of essential oils.

For dry and brittle hair, a banana mask is suitable. Banana must be thoroughly mashed in a ceramic or enamel bowl to a state of gruel, add 1 tsp. honey and 3 tsp. sour cream (or cream). Apply to hair, insulate and leave for 50-60 minutes.

sprouted wheat mask for dry and brittle hair  has healing and moisturizing properties. To do this, take 1 tsp. ground wheat germ, add 2 tbsp. l. cream and 1 tsp. lemon juice, mix everything and heat a little. Apply the mixture on wet hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such treatment is carried out within a month.

avocado mask perfectly nourishes the hair with essential fatty oils and vitamins. Avocado pulp (15 g) is mixed with 20 g of powdered almonds and 2 tbsp. l. warmed olive (or other) oil. Thoroughly mix the mass until smooth, apply to hair and rinse after 40 minutes.

Mask for oily hair with aloe and honey : 1 tsp. aloe juice (or tincture), 1 tsp. castor oil, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Mix all the ingredients and rub into the hair roots. Then warm the head and hold the mask for 15 minutes. After that, it can be washed off.

oatmeal mask perfectly nourishes the scalp and hair with the necessary elements, is effective for treating and accelerating hair growth. To do this, grind a handful of oatmeal in a blender, pour milk / cream / kefir and add a few drops of vegetable oil (for oily hair, add a teaspoon of soda instead of oil). Apply the mask to the hair, warm the head, hold for 20-30 minutes and rinse with water and shampoo. If you are afraid that the flakes will not wash out of your hair, you can rinse them with oatmeal infusion: pour 1/2 cup of flakes into 1 liter of boiling water, leave to swell and squeeze out the infusion. Rinse your hair with this infusion, after which they will become unusually soft.

hair wash

It turns out that bread can not only be eaten, but also perfectly used as a hair shampoo. To do this, take 2-3 slices of rye (or Borodino) bread , cut off the crusts, cut into squares and pour hot water or infusion of herbs (chamomile, nettle, mint, etc.). Let it brew (at least half an hour) until the bread softens, drain the excess liquid. You can use the original crumb, or you can grind in a blender to a puree state. You can add a few drops of essential oil if you like. Apply to wet hair, paying particular attention to the roots. It is more convenient to do this by leaning over the bathtub. Rub, massage and leave on the hair for 5 minutes to an hour (wrap in a cap or film).


  • the content of iron, zinc, vitamins B, E, and other useful substances makes hair light, shiny, clean;
  • due to the secreted gluten, the hair is smoothed, the hair roots are nourished, hair loss is reduced and their growth is improved;
  • no static during the wet and cold season;
  • The effect lasts from 5 days to a week.


  • inconvenience in applying and washing off, which goes away with practice;
  • the presence of chemical yeast in the composition of bread.


  • do not use on light hair, as bread can make it slightly darker and more gray;
  • not suitable for very oily hair: in such cases, bread should be applied to dry hair.

For even greater naturalness and simplification of the procedure, you can use rye flour , diluted with water or herbal infusions. In the same way, you can add oils or your other favorite ingredients, apply on the head, rub well into the roots, massage and rinse.

soda perfectly dissolves fat and does not wash off the natural hair film, as does sodium lauryl sulfate, which is part of all shampoos. That is why the hair becomes greasy faster and requires the next wash, and hence the purchase of shampoo. Soda is a product of chemical production, but the most gentle and natural, since we even use it for food. The name "soda" comes from the name of the plant Salsola Soda, it was originally obtained from the ashes of this plant by calcination (heating to high temperatures).

So, in a basin or any convenient container in which your hair and head are placed, dissolve soda at the rate of soda: water - 1: 5. Immerse the hair in the solution, gently massage the scalp, rinse. If the hair is very dirty, repeat the procedure. If you have thin or short hair, it is enough to prepare a solution of soda in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons in a glass of water (you can use hot for better dissolution of soda) and rub into the head. Over time, you can choose your own combinations, but it is important not to overdo it with the amount of soda (do not do it as in the picture below :)), otherwise the hair will dry out and become brittle. You can add essential oils.


  • due to the preservation of the natural protective film, the hair remains healthier and cleaner longer;
  • volume appears;
  • no harm to the scalp.


  • requires subsequent rinsing with apple cider vinegar or lemon water;
  • does not always wash off the first time.

Warnings: Do not use on extremely dry scalp.

Ash (potash) is an even more natural “shampoo”, as it does not require any production processes. This is an ancient method of washing hair, as well as washing, which was used by our great-great-grandmothers. To do this, you need to take wood (!) ash, pour water (2-3 liters of water into two glasses of ash), let it brew for 2 hours. Then carefully drain the clear liquid into a basin and rinse your hair in it. Do not expect foam, but the feeling of soapiness will be present.

If you want to prepare an ash "shampoo" for the future, then in a half-liter jar you need to pour about half the ash and fill it with water (or herbal infusions). Leave the solution for 3 days, then use clean, clear water from above to wash.


  • hair is soft, shiny, evenly laid down;
  • the effect lasts for a long time;
  • absolutely natural and waste-free production.

Disadvantages: it is not always possible to get ashes.

Warnings: Do not use on dry, brittle and blond hair.

Mustard powder is a remedy for oily, falling out and slow growing hair. Due to its absorbent properties, it perfectly absorbs sebum, and due to burning substances it warms the scalp, which improves the nutrition of hair follicles and accelerates hair growth. In addition, it has bactericidal and cleansing effects.

For normal hair, dilute 2 tablespoons of mustard powder in 0.5 liters of warm water (or herbal decoction). You can add olive oil, sugar or essential oils to better nourish your hair with beneficial elements. Gently, avoiding contact with the eyes, apply the mixture to damp hair, thoroughly covering all areas and hold until the first burning sensation. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can burn your scalp. For oily hair, you can increase the amount of mustard to 3-4 tablespoons, for dry hair, reduce to 1 tablespoon or refuse altogether. It is better to rinse off by lowering your whole head into a basin of water - this way all the mustard is guaranteed to be washed.


  • reduction in hair loss and accelerated growth (up to 1 cm per week in some cases);
  • volume and long-term effect;
  • hair is light, not weighed down.


  • can burn the scalp with inaccurate application, and also cause allergic reactions;
  • if you do not rinse after, it can dry out the hair;
  • sometimes it doesn't wash well.

Warnings: Do not use or use very gently on sensitive scalp and dry, brittle hair.

Soap nuts (soft mucorossi or harder trifoliatus) have become quite popular in recent times as an alternative laundry detergent and hair "shampoo". They have a slightly sweet flavor similar to chocolate. A special bag is usually put in the kit with nuts, which is just used for washing and washing. You need to put a handful of nuts in it and pour 300 ml or more of water. Let stand, then squeeze the bag well until foam forms and massage the hair with this bag, scooping up soapy water. If there is a lot of foam on the hair, then they are clean. If the foam did not work the first time, repeat the procedure.

You can also grind nuts in a coffee grinder (a little, as they absorb moisture) and pour into a jar. For 500 ml of warm water put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground nuts, let it brew, strain the mixture and rinse your hair with it. If you want to prepare the infusion for future use, you can boil 20 nuts in 1 liter of water over low heat for about 30 minutes, squeeze the nuts in a bag, then strain into a jar and put in the refrigerator. Warm up before washing.


  • one nuts can be used repeatedly;
  • have a pleasant aroma and light foam;
  • strengthen hair, prevent hair loss;
  • make hair light and silky;
  • do not require additional masks or balms;
  • long lasting effect.


  • hair is not always washed off the first time;
  • difficult to wash off oil masks;
  • a sufficient amount of foam is not always obtained - it takes time to adapt.

Warnings: Strictly avoid contact with eyes.

Balms and conditioners after washing hair

If you feel that after washing your hair needs additional care, then you can apply a balm or rinse at the end of the procedure. Let's consider some options.

The easiest balm conditioner is apple cider vinegar (especially for oily hair). Dilute in 1 liter of slightly warm or cool water 2-3 tbsp. l. natural apple cider vinegar and rinse your hair with this composition. After wringing out and drying with a towel, do not rinse.

Also for oily and blond hair, a solution of lemon (or grapefruit) juice . 400-500 ml of water will require the juice of half a lemon (or grapefruit), you can add a couple of drops of essential oil. Also do not rinse. Such a rinse not only degreases the hair, but also refreshes and tones it well. But remember that lemon juice can lighten hair a little and wash out dye from dyed hair.

For dry hair, mint, dandelion or chamomile infusions . Dial 2-3 tbsp. l. dry mint leaves (or dandelion flowers) and pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover and let it brew for an hour. Next, use the strained infusion as a rinse. It refreshes and softens hair well. The same procedure can be performed with chamomile flowers, only before cooling, hold the infusion in a water bath for 15 minutes. A decoction of chamomile can lighten hair and give it a golden hue.

You can also soften and protect brittle hair from drying out with a solution of glycerin: 1 teaspoon of glycerin will require 1 liter of warm water. Mix and apply to washed hair.

Honey-lemon balm will help soften coarse and unruly hair. 2 tsp honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and add 5 tbsp. l. water. This amount is calculated on the average length of hair, you can increase the amount by observing the proportions. Apply the balm for 15 minutes on washed hair and rinse with water.

For oily hair, yogurt . Apply to washed hair and leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Fruit mask after washing will fill the hair with the necessary elements and give a delicious aroma. Take half a banana, half an apple, grind in a blender and add the juice of half an orange and 1 tsp. cumin. Apply to clean hair for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water.

Well, for the beauty of your hair, you should know and follow a few rules :

  • you need to use those care products that suit your hair type: if the hair is oily, you should not moisturize it too much, and if it is dry, then dry it with soda, mustard, etc .;
  • it is necessary to take into account the change of seasons and apply appropriate measures: in winter, increase hair nutrition, as well as protection from sudden temperature changes and the drying effect of heating appliances. In summer, it is necessary to moisturize the hair and protect it from ultraviolet radiation;
  • you do not need to often touch the hair with your hands - this makes them greasy faster, since the hands contain a lot of imperceptible dirt;
  • do not overdo it with masks and other care products. They should be used no more than once a week (more often only in emergency cases);
  • if you have split ends, do not wash your hair under running water, as strong pressure can damage their structure. In this case, you can wash your hair in a basin;
  • try to wash your hair with cool water, as its too high temperature provokes an increased secretion of sebum;
  • if possible, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer, do not style with irons. Frequent use of various heat styling devices causes irreparable damage to the structure of your hair;
  • Do not comb wet hair with a comb, as this can damage it, as well as deprive it of shine. When the hair dries a little, you need to comb it with a comb with sparse teeth, starting from the tips;
  • use weather-appropriate headgear: hat, cap, hat;
  • Trim the ends of your hair every 2-3 months.

We hope our tips will help you improve the condition of your hair and keep it beautiful. The female face needs care, like a flower in watering and the sun. Let your hair be shiny and eye-catching! But remember that any external beauty originates from internal harmony. Love yourself, take care of yourself and spread that love to those around you.

Dear readers, if you have your own beauty recipes, please share them in the comments! 🙂

PS In this article, we did not offer recipes using eggs, gelatin and alcohol (although there are a lot of them) for ethical reasons.

May all living beings be happy! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

1 comment

  1. Excellent advice in our chemical age. Forgotten recipes from grandmothers and great-grandmothers, this is how braids were raised in Rus'.

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