The film "Beautiful Green" (1996)

The Beautiful Green is a 1996 French comedy film. The plot is based on an alien from another Planet, Mila, who is trying to understand the inhabitants of the Earth, knowing the whole horror of human civilization: lies, selfishness, cruelty, materialism, destruction, technology has priority over feelings. But actually,…

Jamie Oliver on the importance of healthy eating for children

Jamie Oliver is a famous British chef who promotes home cooking and healthy food. In addition, he is actively involved in charity work, fighting fast food and other bad habits of the modern diet, interacting with schools. In this video, Jamie talks about...

"Do not throw garbage" - social video

This video is intended to show the scale of our even the smallest and most inconspicuous actions. Do you want your children to find only a dump in the place of the forest ...

Paul McCartney on Meat Free Monday

Paul McCartney, one of the members of the legendary musical group The Beatles, has been a vegetarian for many years. He explains why it is important not to eat meat. The musician calls to get acquainted with the problem and give up meat at least one day a week (Monday)…