Eutrophication: causes and consequences

A 2-minute educational video on eutrophication shows what happens when nutrients, mineral fertilizers accumulate in water bodies and how it affects the entire ecosystem. The authors talk about anoxic water that appears as a result of the so-called nutrification - ...

How to use paper towels sparingly

In our weekly tip, we recommended replacing homemade paper napkins and towels with cloth alternatives. But what if you have to use paper in public places? After all, this is a huge waste of paper. In this video, Joe Smith shows you how to save money…

Tristram Stewart: Outrageous Food Waste Statistics

Tristram Stuart's TED talk on his personal exploration of the world's food loss makes me wonder how we've come to this absurdity. He tells interesting facts about how quite suitable food is thrown away (for example, bread crusts in ...

Cowspiracy - Documentary

Animal Plot is not a story about killing animals. This is a story about people killing themselves. Many already know that animal husbandry is destroying our Planet, emitting 18% of all greenhouse gases and creating a sauna effect, taking forests for grazing and growing fodder, spending exorbitant…

On overfishing

Awareness of other living beings, their ecosystems and what we eat is a very important factor in the progress of mankind, the conservation of resources and all forms of life. Excessive human appetite has led to the fact that marine fish stocks are depleted incredibly quickly, many species are on the verge of extinction and ...

"What can we do to reduce ocean debris?" - informative short film

Trash talk is a series of short documentary educational videos on the topic of ocean debris, where it gets there, how garbage islands form, and how to prevent it. The videos were filmed by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)…

"Under the power of garbage" - a documentary investigation

"Under the Power of Garbage" is a documentary project of the Russia-1 TV channel about a real hellish place on Earth - the world's largest man-made dump located on the west coast of Africa. Here people do not live longer than thirty years, infected with deadly doses of toxins since childhood. What actually…