• Infographics about disposable things and their reusable substitutes from the RosEco project

    The RosEco project — formerly known as MosEco, but this year expanding its activities beyond the Moscow region — has published an infographic that talks about the dangers of single-use bags, plastic and paper tableware and plastic bottles, as well as the benefits of their eco-friendly alternatives. For…

  • March in the Vatican in support of Pope Francis' position against climate change

    Yesterday, June 28, a demonstration march was held in the Vatican in support of the position of Pope Francis in the light of his June 18, 180-page appeal (encyclical) to world leaders to take action against climate change. The Pope urged heads of state to "act here and now" during...

  • Japan launches world's largest floating solar power plant

    Japanese companies Kyocera and Century Tokyo Leasing announced the launch of the world's largest floating solar platform, located in the city of Kasai, Hyogo prefecture (Kasai, Hyogo) on the surface of the Sakasamaike pond. The 2.3 megawatt plant generates enough energy to power 820…

  • Scientists have recorded the 6th extinction of species on Earth caused by human activities

    The scientific journal Science Advances published the article "The accelerated loss of species of life due to modern humanity: the beginning of the sixth mass extinction." The authors of this article claim that the sixth "mass extinction of species" has begun on Earth, explaining this by the fact that the current rates ...

  • Goodyear to launch tires with rice husks

    In early June, after two years of testing at the Innovation Center in Akron, Ohio, USA, Goodyear announced an agreement with the Chinese company Yihai Food and Oil Industry to supply rice husks for the production of silica (silicon dioxide), the addition of which to tires is a proven ...

  • German youth cuts meat consumption for environmental and ethical reasons

    According to a June report by the international research company Mintel Group, young Germans have begun to reduce their consumption of meat products in favor of vegetarian dishes. The results of the latest Mintel survey showed that 18% of Germans aged 16 to 24 regularly purchase…

  • Greenpeace Russia urges to apply to the Mayor of Moscow for the introduction of a separate waste collection system

    Greenpeace Russia calls on all Muscovites who are not indifferent to the problem of waste to apply to the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, with a request to implement a full-fledged city program for the separate collection and recycling of waste. For this, an action has been organized, in which any Internet user ...

  • A "Master of Kindness" appeared in Moscow for separate waste collection

    On June 13, a campaign for the separate collection of garbage "Master of Kindness" started in Moscow. The project was initiated by the environmental group Recycle with the support of Renault. Every Saturday for 2 months, mobile waste collection points (minibus) will stop (according to the schedule) for an hour…

  • Berlin launches world's first electric bus route

    The capital of Germany, Berlin, will be the first city in the world to turn a bus line into an ecological route with electric buses (electric buses). Passengers of the central city bus line of Berlin number 204 will be able to take advantage of the innovation this summer. Project announcement and...

  • Vegetarian Calculator: How many lives have you saved by not eating animals?

    Recently, an interesting online service for fans of statistics was announced on the Internet - the Vegetarian Calculator. It allows all vegetarians who do not eat any animals (including fish) to count the number of sentient beings saved. Grade…