HomeNewsRussia is improving waste recycling: the volume of recycling will increase 10 times by 2025

According to the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, at the forum “Year of Ecology in Russia: Tasks of the State and Business”, the head of the organization Sergey Donskoy said that by 2020 the volume of waste processing in Russia will double, and by 2025 - 10 times.

Territorial schemes for waste management , which should have been approved by the end of September 2016, are currently ready and approved in 81 regions of the Russian Federation. The exceptions are the Udmurt Republic, Tver, Ryazan and Arkhangelsk regions. At the same time, 27 constituent entities of the Russian Federation declared their readiness to begin the transition to a new waste management system already in the current (2017) year.

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region Alexander Kogan, speaking at a round table at the Rossiya Segodnya MIA agency on the topic “Best available technologies for waste disposal in Russia: state and prospects”, spoke about the imminent decrease in waste disposal in his region. At the moment, about 3.8 million tons of garbage from the region itself and 7.2 million from Moscow are buried As part of the reform that has already begun in the Moscow Region, 6 waste processing complexes with sorting and recycling of MSW (municipal solid waste) and with modern safe landfills for the disposal of inert "tails" (residues from waste that cannot be recycled and are not useful).

It is expected that by 2021, 12 landfills in the Moscow Region will be decommissioned, and the remaining 7 will undergo a radical modernization (“will be brought to the required environmental and technological standards”). In addition, in 2023, the construction of 4 thermal neutralization plants is expected to be completed (another one will be built in the Republic of Tatarstan). Within 7-10 years, the volume of processing in the Moscow region should increase from 3 to 50 percent .

According to Sergey Donskoy, the Ministry of Natural Resources is going to introduce interactive public control over waste . Through this initiative, citizens will be able to report unauthorized dumps and emissions. Olga Tagilova, Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation Policy in the Sphere of Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources, noted that in a number of regions of the Russian Federation such a system of public control has already been introduced as part of the Clean Country project of the Ministry.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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