MainNewsFrom April 2 to April 30, an environmental marathon #ReducingMyEcological Footprint

From April 2 to April 30, everyone who has Internet access from Russia, the CIS countries or anywhere in the world has a unique opportunity to take part in the environmental marathon #ReducingMyEcofootprint . The organizers of this event are the project " Green Driver " (Roman Sablin) and the eco-goods store BioGradProduct (Alexey Chistopashin). This is already the third wave of this marathon, the purpose of which is to provide a strong theoretical base and interesting practical tasks for self-development in the field of environmental awareness and reducing your eco-footprint in everyday life, inculcating good habits, as well as communication with like-minded people.

Within 4 weeks, marathon participants will receive theoretical knowledge and practical tasks in 4 areas: “Taste for life” (nutrition), “Benefit to the world” (conscious consumption), “Safe home” (ecology in the home), “LST: Love your own body” (healthy lifestyle and body care).

In order to become a participant in the marathon, you must register on the site (as an individual participant or family) and pay the registration fee. After making the payment, the participants get access to all topics and tasks of the marathon, the opportunity to communicate with the organizers personally, as well as the participant’s starter kit, which includes an eco-bag and an eco-bottle, natural organic laundry and cleaning products, etc. All participants will be added to the general chat and mailing list with all tasks, and every Saturday there will be closed online meetings with the organizers, where the results and related issues will be discussed. The task of the participant is to complete the maximum possible number of tasks by the end of each of the 4 weeks, write a report in a given format and publish it on social networks.

To motivate participants in completing all tasks, the organizers of the project introduced prizes for those who complete at least 14 out of 20 tasks, and the main prize of the marathon: a set of eco-products, an electronic textbook, consultations from the organizers, will be received by the one who completes all 20 tasks and writes the best report in social networks.

Join a sustainable lifestyle, reduce your footprint, do it consistently, intelligently and without fanaticism! The main goal of the marathon is to find a balance between improving the quality of life and psychological comfort, improving the health of the whole family and reducing the burden on the environment.

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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