HomeNewsThe first vegetarian fast food restaurants for motorists appear in the USA (drive-thru)

Variety of food at Amy's Drive Thru

Last Sunday in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA) opened the country's first vegan fast food restaurant (fast food), where motorists can get an order without leaving the car (drive-thru), - VegeWay.

Establishments of this type are called drive-thru and are similar to McDonalds McAuto (MakAvto): they allow motorists to drive up by car and order food without leaving their vehicle. Until now, the only vegetarian drive-thru in the United States was Amy's in Rohnert Park (California, an hour from San Francisco). This fast food restaurant opened in July 2015 at the initiative of Amy's, a company known in the US food market for over 27 years, and still offers a menu of locally sourced organic vegetarian food, non-GMO, with a variety of vegan options.

VegeWay Burger began in Las Vegas in a “soft mode” This drive-thru restaurant's menu is 100% vegan (excluding all animal products including dairy) and features a variety of Asian-inspired dishes, offering them on par with "American classics".

Processed food, which serves as the basis of fast food dishes, is in many ways inferior to natural, “live” food (both in terms of quality and resource costs in production), however, such a trend towards vegetarianism, even in this area, can have a beneficial effect on the planet’s ecology and contribute to reduce violence against living beings.

VegeWay - vegan drive-thru in Las Vegas

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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