HomeNewsMinister of Ecology of the Russian Federation: “We are developing a waste recycling system and reducing the number of burials”

Sergey Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergey Donskoy, in his recent interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, spoke about the current status of the changes expected in the field of waste management in Russia.

To date, the fee for garbage collection in Russia is set by management companies, and in payments it is added to a number of other (housing) works and is indicated as “maintenance and repair of residential premises”. As we already reported , from January 1, 2017, residents of the Russian Federation will see a new line among their utility bills - a fee for the collection and removal of municipal solid waste (MSW).

To implement this plan, by the end of September, all regions had to approve territorial schemes for waste management, however, at the moment, these schemes are in varying degrees of readiness only in 61 regions (48 have been agreed), and in 23, only preparatory work is underway to implement them. formation: “We have not started development in the Crimea. The situation is very bad in Tyva, Tver, Vologda regions - they are just preparing for the competition. A scheme has not yet been developed in North Ossetia.” Commenting on this situation and the upcoming problems, the Minister noted:

[..] I hope that the regional authorities will not present such a New Year's surprise to the residents, but will begin to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. I really would not like to see a situation with a garbage collapse in any Russian region, as it was, for example, in Naples. But such a danger, alas, exists.

[..] I hope that the measures that we have taken will ensure the most civilized, let's say, work of utility companies. We have returned the licensing of all types of work with waste, today we are approving territorial schemes. Further, tenders will be held in the regions to select regional operators. As a result, we get transparent tariff setting, develop a waste recycling system and reduce the number of landfills.

On the situation with unauthorized landfills in many regions of Russia and the intention to create a waste recycling industry:

Unfortunately, today the number of unauthorized landfills is 20 times higher than the number of legal waste disposal sites. There are many reasons. One of them is the low standards of MSW accumulation per capita. In many regions, the norms have been in force since Soviet times. This leads to the fact that the calculation of how many containers, temporary accommodation sites, etc., is underestimated.

Modern regulation has been formed to solve this problem. What is required now is the most effective interaction between federal and regional authorities and public structures involved in this work. Actually, one of the steps to solve is territorial schemes. The situation in the field of waste management should change radically: from burial to waste processing, the creation of a whole modern industry.


There are plans to create waste processing enterprises that will be able to accept waste from several regions. Today, Rosprirodnadzor recommends that all regions submit territorial schemes in electronic form for approval. In the near future, based on them, we will create an integrated waste management scheme for the entire country.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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