HomeNewsA hotline for monitoring environmental problems has appeared in Russia - #ecologyinmycity

A typical example of an illegal garbage dump in a Russian forest (photo from the Tver region)

Last week, the commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation (PC RF) on ecology and environmental protection announced the emergence of a special hotline "Ecomonitoring".

The project is designed to help residents of cities and villages promptly report environmental violations, such as waste incineration (with the release of toxic combustion products), littering of territories with industrial and consumer waste, discharge of untreated sewage into water bodies, air pollution with industrial emissions, demolition and damage to green spaces, destruction of recreational areas.

To use the environmental monitoring hotline, you can :

  • call the general hotline of the Civic Chamber: 8-800-737-77-66 (calls within Russia are free, working hours: Mon-Thu from 9 am to 6 pm, Fri from 9 am to 4:45 pm (Moscow time);
  • fill out a special application form in the Internet reception of the OP of the Russian Federation (in the form, select "Address in the ward → Commission" and in the next field - "Commission for Ecology and Environmental Protection");
  • post photos of pollution in the open photo album of the RF OP page on the VKontakte social network, adding the hash tag #ecology in my city to the description of the photo and indicating the coordinates, the essence of the problem, the consequences and the reaction of the authorities (if contacted).

The press release of the RF OP states that “all appeals will be considered, and the relevant letters will be sent by the RF OP Commission on Ecology and Environmental Protection to state authorities and will contact public organizations to speed up the resolution of problems.”

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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