HomeNewsClimatarians - a new trend in ecology and nutrition

The New York Times named "climatarian" one of the top new words to emerge in 2015.

"Climaterian" is already making its way into various dictionaries of the English language. For example, Macmillan (as part of an Open Dictionary compiled by enthusiasts) has a succinct definition: "A person who chooses his diet for the purpose of protecting the environment" - and in Collins this word with a broader interpretation of "climate-respectful" is still pending studies for official inclusion in the dictionary. The climaterian movement has a lot of overlap with environmental enthusiasts and vegans, as it aims to change their diet in a way that minimizes the harm they cause to nature. The main aspects in the diet that climaterians adhere to are a decrease in the consumption of meat and food of animal origin in general, as well as an emphasis on the consumption of local products instead of imported ones, the choice of which is associated with an additional negative impact on the environment.

The international initiative Meat Free Monday, which is supported not only by individuals, but also by entire cities, echoes the ideas of climaterianism . However, they are distinguished from ethical vegans by the fact that they are “in the right” not to completely refuse meat and animal products, simply choosing the least harmful types of products according to official calculations of scientists, i.e. guided by how many resources are required, for example, to raise a cow and the same amount of chicken or fish.

Australian Mark Pershin, who founded the organization Less Meat Less Heat, argues that the main tenet of a climate-friendly diet is "taking into account the carbon footprint in food choices and changing the diet for a safer and more stable climate for the current and future generations." He is also behind the Pozible fundraising campaign to develop the first climaterian mobile app. Its purpose is to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide emissions depending on the food consumed during the day.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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