HomeNewsYoung people in Germany cut meat consumption for environmental and ethical reasons

According to a June report by the international research company Mintel Group, young Germans have begun to reduce their consumption of meat products in favor of vegetarian dishes.

The results of the latest Mintel survey showed that 18% of Germans aged 16 to 24 regularly purchase vegetarian products instead of meat, with the majority of them (15% of the total) identifying themselves as vegetarians. Among the entire population of Germany, these figures are significantly lower: 11% and 7%, respectively. The most popular reasons for giving up meat among German youth are ecological (30% of respondents) and ethical (25%).

There is another age category of people in Germany who prefer vegetarianism: from 45 to 54 years. About 40% of Germans at this age give up meat to improve their health (reducing fat and cholesterol intake).

According to Katya Witham, Senior Food and Beverage Analyst at Mintel, the results herald "a bright future for meat alternatives in Germany."

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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