HomeNewsContainers for separate waste collection in Rostov-on-Don: today - 15%, by the end of the year - 40%

Vladimir Artsybashev, Deputy Head of the Rostov-on-Don Administration for Housing and Public Utilities, spoke at a press conference about the successes in the field of separate waste collection in the city, which is being implemented in the city thanks to the interest of local investors.

To date, 290 container sites in Rostov (about 15%) already have special containers for separate waste collection, and by the end of the year their number will increase to 600 (about 40%). It is especially important how local residents react to the ongoing changes. Here is what Vladimir Artsybashev said about this:

“When we installed the first containers for secondary waste collection, we were afraid that Rostovites would not support the initiative. However, everything turned out differently. Today, people are not too lazy to go from one end of the city to the other to hand over sorted waste. This indicates a high level of responsibility of the population of our city.”

What garbage is separated in Rostov? It is stated that now investors have found such categories as plastic, glass, waste paper profitable: products from them are in demand on the market, and all of them are suitable for recycling. Previously, Rostov practiced waste separation after removal from container sites, but over time they came to the conclusion that the quality of the products received was significantly reduced, which occurred as a result of mixing waste (first in containers, then in trucks that transported waste to a sorting plant).

Speaking about the reasons for the introduction of a separate waste collection system, the deputy head of the administration named, first of all, environmental considerations. According to him, this approach saves natural resources, has a beneficial effect on the environment and makes it possible to reduce the loss of land resources, and on a national scale: “It takes about 50 years for garbage to be completely recycled. Only after this period has expired, green spaces may appear on the territory of the landfill, however, these areas will forever remain unsuitable for widespread use.”

PS In early July, the press service of the city administration of Rostov-on-Don reported that the first modular container for separate waste collection was installed in the Kirovsky district of the city.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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