HomeNewsA march was held in the Vatican in support of the position of Pope Francis against climate change

Yesterday, June 28, a demonstration march in support of the position of Pope Francis in the light of his June 18, 180-page appeal (encyclical) to world leaders to take action against climate change. The Pope urged the heads of state to "act here and now" to avoid the "cry of the earth and the cries of poverty." Several thousand demonstrators of different religions (Catholics, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Protestants) marched through Rome to the Papal residence to demand active environmental action.

The demonstrators carried placards with the inscriptions "Many confessions - one planet" and "Earth is our common home. Act for the Climate Now” to urge attendees at the upcoming United Nations summit to take the necessary action against the effects of global warming. The UN climate change summit will be held in Paris this December.

Addressing the crowd in the square in the Vatican, the Pope approved and encouraged interfaith cooperation in the field of "integral ecology" to "protect our common home." The head of the Catholic Church called on representatives of rich countries to change their lifestyle, abandoning excessive consumerism and the tendency to prioritize profit over public goods.

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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