HomeNewsUkrainian schoolchildren have developed unique energy sources from renewable sources

A group of Ukrainian schoolchildren from the city of Alexandria, Kirovograd region, has developed several projects for the production of electricity from renewable sources. The most famous of them: flexible solar panels made of organic materials, an atmospheric power plant powered by energy from thunderclouds, heat-insulating paint. Unfortunately, in the absence of support for projects at home, the guys left to continue and introduce their developments to Europe and the USA.

Young talents were collected and supervised by the head of the Department of Innovative Implementations of the PromConversion company Sergey Kaminsky. He explains his motivation with a desire to restore inventive activity among young people and help the country get out of energy slavery, since electricity is prohibitively expensive for citizens.

Kaminsky calls the solar panels that are planned to be produced third-generation batteries, since they contain only organic ingredients that do not use silicon and are much easier to recycle. In terms of efficiency, this model is inferior to silicon, but it also costs much less - from $150. And the process of extracting energy from thunderclouds is even simpler - it occurs due to a strong electric field that is emitted by an ionizing tower 50 m high. Charged particles are accumulated by electrodes up to 150 m high, in which one end is grounded and the other rises up. The discharge received from the air settles on the electrodes and is converted into an electric current. Through voltage transformers, electricity is sent to consumers. The author of the project is a 10th grade student Samuil Kruglyak.

Also, a group of scientists led by Sergey Kaminsky has developed a unique paint that has three properties: thermal insulation, a converter of external energy into electricity, and storage of electricity. The paint is applied by a special quadcopter in several layers on the outside of the house and after that it can store heat and generate electricity.

Unfortunately, the state did not support the experiments and developments, so they are carried out at the expense of the personal funds of Sergei Kaminsky and local entrepreneurs. The construction of a plant for the production of organic solar panels is invested by PromConversiya. So far, only 30% of the necessary funds have been invested, pilot production will be carried out at the existing conveyor equipment plant in Alexandria. In November, the launch of the first batch of solar installations is planned. At the moment, orders for products for 4 years in advance have been collected. Now, in the area of ​​CHPP 1-2, a plot of land has been allocated for the construction of a solar power plant with a capacity of 1 MW. The cost is 7 million hryvnia.

But the construction of an atmospheric power plant has been postponed indefinitely, since there is no understanding on the part of officials that a thundercloud is capable of supplying electricity in large volumes.

We look forward to improving the situation and inspiring results.



Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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