HomeNewsInfographics about disposable things and their reusable substitutes from the RosEco project

The RosEco project — formerly known as MosEco, but this year expanding its activities beyond the Moscow region — has published an infographic that talks about the dangers of single-use bags, plastic and paper tableware and plastic bottles, as well as the benefits of their eco-friendly alternatives. To create it, a presidential grant received by the project as a result of the competition "League of Nation's Health" was used.


RosEco infographics. Click on the picture to view in better quality.

The key recommendations that the authors of infographics make based on the given statistical facts are simple and obvious:

  1. use eco-bags or shopping bags (plastic bags make up 10% of the garbage produced by mankind and cover 1/4 of the world's oceans, and the so-called "biodegradable" bags do not decompose by 90%);
  2. use reusable utensils for picnics, camping trips, etc. (disposable plastic tableware is banned in the USA, China, Canada, India, Germany, and paper is not recyclable);
  3. use a reusable bottle, and send the purchased plastic for recycling (the period of decomposition of plastic bottles is 100-500 years, and 17 million barrels of oil are spent annually on their production).

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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