HomeNewsMoscow schoolchildren are taught ecology as part of the Green Van campaign

The Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow spoke about the Green Van campaign taking place in the capital, which aims to "increase the level of environmental culture of the younger generation" and "formation of environmentally responsible behavior of schoolchildren."

"Green Van" is a whole complex of events, consisting of special lessons, lectures and master classes, environmental quizzes with prizes and interactive expositions, screenings of documentary films about nature conservation, distribution of environmental education literature, providing schools with information materials about environmental programs Moscow. The concept of the Eco-School, organized as part of the action, is based on the principles of edutainmet (education through entertainment): as the authors specify, "it is at the same time an exhibition hall, a cinema and an educational center."

The action was held from September 1 to September 21, continued with an environmental festival for schoolchildren on September 29 and will continue with new events that will end in May next year. According to Konstantin Ivanov, deputy head of the Mospriroda GPBU, the initiative appeared in response to requests from Moscow residents to return the subject “ecology” to the school curriculum. In addition, the action is timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the Department of Environmental Management of the city of Moscow.

The site of the action is greenvan.moskva .

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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