MainNews100 thousand people supported the initiative of the ONF "Green Shield" to limit deforestation in Moscow and the Moscow region

The All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) published on the website of the Russian Public Initiative (ROI) a proposal to limit deforestation in Moscow and the Moscow region. According to RIA Novosti, the initiative collected 100,000 votes required for it to be submitted for consideration by an expert working group at the federal level.

The ONF proposed to create a "Green Shield of Moscow and the Moscow Region", limiting deforestation within a radius of 70 km from the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD). According to State Duma deputy and coordinator of the ONF Public Monitoring Center Vladimir Gutenev, the initiative received a large number of applications, and not only from residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. It is assumed that they will try to implement the idea in other regions - in particular, residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region have already asked for this.

Now that the Moscow initiative has collected the required number of votes, representatives of the ONF will prepare a draft law and additions to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, within which it will be proposed to transfer the remaining forests in municipalities and agricultural lands to the forest fund, create a "special buffer zone of 300 meters to one kilometer, in which any capital construction is excluded”, as well as to develop and approve the project of sanitary protection zones of the Moscow water pipeline.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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