Main pageNewsGreenpeace Russia urges to apply to the Mayor of Moscow for the introduction of a separate waste collection system

Greenpeace Russia calls on all Muscovites who are not indifferent to the problem of waste to apply to the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, with a request to implement a full-fledged city program for the separate collection and recycling of waste.

For this, an action has been organized, within the framework of which any Internet user can send a letter to the Mayor of Moscow explaining the problem of waste in the city (about 20% of all municipal solid waste in Russia is generated in the capital and the region) and with a request to develop a regional waste management program in Moscow, aimed at implementing the principles of the concept of "Zero Waste - Zero Waste" (Zero Waste).

This program proposes to provide:

  • waste reduction measures;
  • targets for reducing the volume of waste sent to landfill by 2030 in the amount of 25% or less;
  • targets for increasing the amount of waste sent for material recycling by 2030 by 75% or more;
  • introduction in 2016 of a city-wide system for separate collection of waste, which provides for the availability of containers for separate collection at all sites for the collection of MSW in the residential sector;
  • the decommissioning of waste incineration plants and the refusal to build new thermal waste treatment facilities.

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov

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