HomeNewsThe Dutch extract clean energy from plants

Plant-e company , which left Wageningen University (Netherlands) in September 2009, has developed and successfully uses an energy generation system for growing plants based on scientific research. The technology is based on natural processes and is absolutely safe for the environment and the plants themselves.

How does it work ? Through the process of photosynthesis, the plant produces organic matter, some of which is used for the growth of the plant itself, and the rest is excreted through the roots into the soil. Around the roots, there are many microorganisms that absorb these organic matter for energy. The process releases electrons as a by-product, allowing them to be stored through special wired electrodes into clean, renewable energy. Studies have shown that plants continue to grow unhindered while generating energy.

The idea for the technology came to Dr. Bert Hamelers back in 2007, after which a proof of the technology was released in 2008. At the moment, the patent for this product belongs to the developer company.

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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