Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones

We have already written about the colossal losses of the forest in our previous tips (see below). Trees provide us with oxygen, slow down global warming, prevent soil erosion and are home to many animal species. Trees deserve better treatment than two minutes of use for…

Don't buy extra food

Conduct an experiment and track how much spoiled food from your refrigerator goes to the trash can and how much canned food remains "living" in cabinets after the expiration date. Have you chosen the right purchasing policy? Maybe something is worth buying less, but from something at all ...

Do not take free promotional materials

In our age, when the number of people on Earth has exceeded 7 billion, and resources and areas are not getting larger, it's time to stop accumulating rubbish. When sorting through the stocks of older relatives, you often come across completely unnecessary and non-functional things that have not been used for years, but were present ...

Organize a day without meat and animal products

Touching upon the topic of ecology, it is impossible to keep silent about the problem of animal products. This topic has not only an ethical, religious or medical aspect, but also to a large extent an ecological one. If you recycle plastic but continue to over-consume meat, then this is not yet…

Use public transport or share yours with others

In times of growing financial wealth of the population, striving for personal comfort and improving the advertising impact on people, more and more cars appear on our roads. This leads to the fact that the gas pollution of large cities exceeds the norm, and standing for several hours in traffic jams…

Soaping in the shower, turn off the water

Water is the most valuable resource on the planet. Without it, the life of almost no creature is impossible. In many parts of the Earth, people and animals experience a huge shortage of fresh water. In poor areas of Asia and Africa, women have to travel tens of kilometers several times a day in the heat in order to ...

Do not use disposable tableware - buy a travel kit

Going out into the forest for a walk in the warm season, you probably saw mountains of plastic dishes left by vacationers. It is very convenient for practical reasons, but absolutely unacceptable for environmental reasons. As you know, in nature nothing disappears without a trace, everything falls apart and again ...

Boil only the amount of water you need

Saving energy is not a relic of the past, but an urgent need of the present. Its production not only consumes fossil resources, but also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which leads to a warming climate on Earth, as well as many respiratory diseases. Save…

Clear your wardrobe of unwanted items

Very often, in pursuit of fashionable novelties, we do not notice how we buy a lot of extra clothes, which we subsequently hammer into the farthest corner of the closet. After that, we safely forget about it, we run to the store for a new one. And at some important event or moving, it suddenly pops up how much we have ...

Buy recycled toilet paper

Have you ever wondered how many hectares of forest go into the daily two-minute needs of toilet paper? It would seem that this is not the most pleasant activity, but for this, entire trees are cut down. Although their role in our lives is difficult to overestimate: they not only absorb carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen for us…