Use mechanical trainers instead of electric ones

In anticipation of the warm season, many people flood the gyms or rush to buy as many electric simulators as possible to bring the body into a beautiful shape. The market is replete with simulators for various purposes, prices and the resulting effect. And very often a person does not even have to make any effort ...

Use batteries instead of batteries

When choosing some kind of home appliances, toys or accessories, pay attention to what battery they work from. Batteries contain an extremely dangerous toxic compound, which, upon contact with a person, causes serious illness, and when released into the environment, provokes ...

Use a pouch or strap for travel bags instead of plastic

Travel always beckons us with new adventures. And since you need to be ready for adventures, we take everything that is most necessary (especially for women :)) and valuable with us on trips. To protect your precious luggage from careless transportation and your personal belongings from loss, airports…

Use plastic bags as trash

Having seen at least one city dump once in your life, you will no longer be able to calmly accumulate mountains of garbage. This problem is becoming more acute due to the growth of the planet's population and unbridled disposable consumption. Dispose of the results of human activity 100% and harmlessly ...

Buy items in large economy packaging

Going into any supermarket, you can shudder at the amount of goods you see in packages that immediately go to the trash can, and then straight to the landfill. Only a tiny percentage of this amount can be recycled and is actually processed into secondary raw materials. In these packages...

Do not throw away old Christmas decorations

Each holiday is associated with certain accessories, and the New Year - especially. Due to the constant novelties on the market, old Christmas decorations lose their value for many and go to the landfill, making room for new ones. But is it really in order to follow fashion and constantly surprise yourself and ...

Do not buy real fur coats

The choice of winter clothing has long ceased to be practically justified: like any product in the modern world, it has become a luxury item and a fetish. Socially imposed stereotypes of showing love for a woman in the form of a gift of an expensive fur coat only aggravated the situation ... And even with worthy and ...

Travel green

New Year holidays are a great time to relax, and many hotels are overwhelmed with tourists at this time. Using the "all inclusive" service, we forget about taking care of the Planet - after all, the hotel provides all the amenities. It is rare to find a hotel where environmental protection is a higher priority,…

Start the New Year with care for the Planet!

At the end of each year, it is customary (or pleasant) to take stock of everything that has happened and implemented, to make plans for the coming year. Usually these plans concern work, rest, study, etc. But how often do we think that our future depends on the state of our Planet? What are we doing to…

Don't buy unnecessary gifts

Winter time is the time of numerous holidays. Most of them have to do with well thought out marketing strategies for certain products. And often we are forced to buy useless gifts just to comply with social norms. Everything would not be so bad if it were not for the quantity ...