Don't make rash purchases

The first months of 2016 recorded the highest temperatures worldwide. Global warming is coming at an ever faster pace. Forests are being destroyed and can no longer produce enough air; animals for slaughter, dairy products and leather goods harm the environment more than…

Use natural dyes for Easter eggs

Each holiday has its own customs. By the bright day of Christ's Resurrection, it is customary to paint eggs, symbolizing the Holy Sepulcher, in which eternal life is hidden. Initially, eggs were dyed only red, but gradually the tradition began to acquire more and more original inventions. But often these...

Give thanks for food before meals

The modern rhythm of life leaves almost no time to return to the present moment and feel the value and gratitude of what we have. All people are in a hurry somewhere, thinking or talking about something, and often a meal is no more than a 15-minute quick snack, while talking ...

Organize eco-friendly outdoor picnics

Spring outdoor recreation is traditionally a favorite activity on the first warm weekend and especially during the holidays. But often what people leave after such a vacation in places where life used to boil leaves much to be desired. In order not only to have fun, but also not to harm ...

Ventilate rooms more often

Maintaining a microclimate and clean indoor air is one of the important components of well-being and health. Since people spend more and more time either at work or at home, they have to breathe the same air that they exhale, which means carbon dioxide. In the warm season, we are more ...

Vacuum the bag regularly

The arrival of spring is inextricably linked with the grand cleaning of the house from accumulated dust and dirt. The most effective tool for this is a vacuum cleaner (which, of course, will not replace wet cleaning). In order for the vacuum cleaner to work efficiently and consume less electricity, it is necessary to clean it regularly…

Refuse plastic straws in cafes

This advice sounds ridiculous: after all, a plastic straw is such a trifle! But just imagine that every person, when ordering food in a restaurant, takes a drink with a plastic straw, which is immediately thrown away and cannot be recycled. And such tubes are used in almost every ...

Wash windows with microfiber cloths

So, March 8 has passed, all the men made eco-gifts to their beautiful lovers - it's time to return to reality. And the reality after the winter requires some updates. And one of them is washing windows, which after the rainy-snowy season do not have the best view. But how do you wash...

Make an eco-gift on March 8

March 8, of course, is not the only day of the year when women are pleased to receive attention, but it is the most massive. Marketers of companies, manufacturers and sellers are preparing for this day in advance, trying to attract more and more raisins in order to please the beautiful half of humanity and, ...

Organize garbage collection

Spring is a beautiful and long-awaited time! She always pleases us with the warm sun, the first buds on the trees, blossoming leaves and flowers. We breathe in the air full of aromas and rejoice at the beginning of the warm season. But there is also a darkening fact - after the snow has fallen and before the violent growth ...