Don't make rash purchases

The first months of 2016 recorded the highest temperatures worldwide. Global warming is coming at an ever faster pace. The forests are being destroyed and can no longer produce enough air; animals for slaughter, dairy products and leather goods harm the environment more than all the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the ocean has lost more than half of the species of its inhabitants ... All these are the consequences of human activity that nature is not able to quickly restore. The world's population is growing, needs are expanding, the pace is accelerating. To improve the situation, you need to change your way of thinking and living: from selfish needs to global needs.

The biggest impact on environmental pollution is created by overconsumption . By making rash and not really necessary purchases, we create tens of tons of garbage every day in every country in the world. Any discarded cup of coffee grows into a mountain of used cups. A toy that has been used for a month, or another boring thing fills up landfills. In order to take the first step towards green thinking, it is important to understand this simple chain: every purchase leads to pollution of the entire Planet.

In order not to make rash actions and minimize your ecological footprint, before purchasing a new item, we invite you to consider this action within 30 days . This approach will stop impulsive buying and further problems with its disposal, as well as save your budget and free space in the house. As a rule, 80% of the purchases made (or the desires that arise) are not of particular importance, but are the result of good marketing, stress relief or a tribute to fashion. To control your purchases, you can install special personal finance applications that will help you keep track of what purchases you make and which ones are actually necessary.

Try to make your life as simple as possible, do not burden it with useless things and extend the life of existing things!

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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