Install economical faucet and shower heads

The daily consumption of water on our planet is enormous. If in the old days clean drinking water was used mainly for food purposes, today it is thoughtlessly spent for less significant needs. And every year it becomes catastrophically smaller, especially in poor countries and regions with arid climates. But in the society of developing countries, it is not customary to talk about saving this vital resource. According to the UN, today from 600 million to 1 billion people on the planet suffer from lack of fresh water, and according to forecasts, this figure will grow, which is fraught with hunger, regional conflicts for water.

Of course, household water costs cannot be compared with production costs, and we can hardly influence them, except at the level of small steps. But in the age of globalization, small steps are of great importance, as they gradually add up to a large chain of changes. Today we offer to save water wherever you can, and install economical (water-saving) nozzles on faucets and showers at home.

This is not only a new marketing ploy. The principle of operation and economy of water-saving nozzles is that due to the special design, the water is saturated with air (aeration process), and therefore the pressure of the jet increases with the same amount of water used, which helps to save from 20% to 70% in the water you consume. In this case, you will not feel any changes in sensations. Companies selling these devices claim that it will cost no more than $70 to equip all the faucets in an American home with nozzles, but the savings will increase to $400 in the first year of use.

The basis of a happy life on Earth is concern not only for one's own interests, but also for the interests of other living beings and future generations. The life of the Planet does not depend on people, but the life of people depends on the Planet. Take care of what you have now.


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Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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