Don't buy unnecessary gifts

Winter time is the time of numerous holidays. Most of them have to do with well thought out marketing strategies for certain products. And often we are forced to buy useless gifts just to comply with social norms. Everything would not be so bad if it were not for the amount of garbage on Earth. Many of the donated items are never used, but only gather dust on the shelves and eventually end up in a landfill.

What is the way out if you want to please dear people with your attention and make surprises on a holiday:

  • First of all, ask yourself if you are giving a gift to comply with social norms or out of sincere motives;
  • avoid buying unnecessary decorative tinsel, and if you get one, use it repeatedly;
  • try to find out what a person really needs, what he is interested in and what could be useful to him;
  • buy such gifts, after the use of which there is a minimum amount of garbage (edible surprises, cosmetic and hygiene products, certificates for impressions, tickets to concerts, master classes, etc.)
  • buy durable things that can be useful in everyday life for a longer time;
  • make gifts with your own hands, taking into account the individual needs of the recipient;
  • use your imagination and secondary materials when creating a gift;
  • do not use excess packaging, which is immediately thrown away;
  • break stereotypes and marketing strategies — give gifts for no reason! This will make the person close to you many times more happy! 😉

And the most valuable gift is your attention, which brings only benefit and no harm! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Dmitry Shurupov Dmitry Shurupov
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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