Do not take free promotional materials

In our age, when the number of people on Earth has exceeded 7 billion, and resources and areas are not getting larger, it's time to stop accumulating rubbish.
When sorting through the stocks of older relatives, you often come across completely unnecessary and non-functional things that have not been used for years, but were present on the principle “if only it was” or “to produce an effect”. When bringing any thing into the house, it is important to remember that these are not only the resources of the planet spent without special need, but also future garbage. Therefore, it is necessary to initially assess the importance of this item in your life and the possibility of its proper disposal. Such items can be advertising leaflets, informational materials at conferences, business cards, newspapers, samples, toys, calendars, souvenirs, etc. This advertisement is designed for the psychological property of a person to take what is free. But when connecting awareness and thinking how much you really need it, many of these things can and should be abandoned. This will be a great contribution to the environment, as resource costs and emissions during production will be reduced, and the planet will be less polluted by garbage. Be careful! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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