Start the New Year with care for the Planet!

“We have inherited a beautiful planet from our predecessors. Now it is our turn to leave it in the best possible way for future generations.” – Utsah Shrestha

At the end of each year, it is customary (or pleasant) to take stock of everything that has happened and implemented, to make plans for the coming year. Usually these plans concern work, rest, study, etc. But how often do we think that our future depends on the state of our Planet? What are we doing to preserve and enrich it? Or do we only know how to destroy? What are we doing to take care of her and thank her for the care and generosity she shows us?

Our last advice for 2015 is please put your focus on the planet's glaring problems and take steps to save it. Over the course of several months, we have been writing a lot of tips on how to easily and unobtrusively make your life more environmentally friendly and introduce these habits into your life on an ongoing basis. All these steps relate to a responsible attitude to the use of earth's resources, waste management, use of disposable things, thoughtless disposable consumption, and so on. And having set yourself a certain mood at the beginning of the year, it is very good to try to keep it further. The future of you and your descendants depends on the steps we are taking now. Let's all together, as a single family of all the inhabitants of one Planet, show love and respect for each other, for the Earth and for all living beings! Each of us, like a small drop, creates an entire ocean. Do not think that you are so small that you cannot change anything. The actions of one person form a chain of good. God (Nature, Absolute, Single Source…) has only your hands to act.

The anekdotig team also thanks everyone who has supported and continues to support us. We hope that next year we will be able to please you with interesting and useful information even more and do a lot of good deeds together! Happy and green New Year! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

All the tips and materials of the site ... and start implementing them now! Happy New Year! :)
Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova
We run a tips section for sharing good habits. By developing these habits for a certain time (for example, a week or a month), one after another, you can gradually turn your life into a conscious harmonious coexistence on our beautiful Planet!

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