HomeArticlesBeautician for myself. Part 2

In the previous article “ Beautician for myself. Part 1 » we looked at the ingredients that you can use to make natural homemade body care products without resorting to any chemicals, expensive products and cosmetologists. Let's now see what useful we can cook from them.

Before carrying out cleaning procedures, you need to consider a few rules:

  • it is necessary to clean the skin with a scrub every 7-10 days for normal / oily skin and 1 time in 14 days for dry skin, otherwise it will lose its natural protection and become thinner;
  • scrub should be applied immediately after preparation;
  • the amount of ingredients can be adjusted to suit your skin characteristics and tasks;
  • before applying the scrub, the skin should be steamed - in this case, the pores open, the components can be better absorbed, and dead skin particles are also easier to remove;
  • apply the product with massaging vigorous movements until a slight redness appears (blood accelerates) for 3 minutes, then leave for several minutes to be absorbed;
  • to improve the tonic effect, it is recommended to carry out a contrast shower procedure at the end: alternating cold and hot water;
  • if you did not use nourishing ingredients in the scrub (oil, cream, etc.), you need to soften the skin after cleansing;
  • be careful with the use of scrubs on damaged or inflamed skin.

Let's prepare scrub No. 1 oatmeal. For this we need:

  • oatmeal or bran
  • honey,
  • base oil,
  • essential oil.

Oatmeal or bran is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals that nourish us from the inside and out. They rejuvenate, tone and soften the skin. If you don’t have bran (and you can get it at any eco-shop), grind the flakes in a blender to a powder, but not flour. Based on the area that you are going to process, pour the required amount of flakes (bran), add base oils and liquid honey so much that you get a soft, homogeneous slurry. If you have oily skin, you can use kefir / yogurt / sour cream or a little lemon juice. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and voila, your homemade scrub is ready! Apply immediately (do not hesitate to apply, otherwise the flakes will swell and become soft) on slightly damp steamed skin with rubbing massaging movements, allow the ingredients to be absorbed, rinse with water and blot (do not wipe) the skin with a towel or paper towel.

Scrub number 2 is designed to combat cellulite . In it we use:

  • oatmeal/bran
  • honey,
  • ground salt (preferably sea salt)
  • base oil (olive, jojoba, cocoa, coconut),
  • essential oil (orange, sandalwood, lavender, etc.).

The procedure for preparing the ingredients is the same as in the previous recipe. The ratio of components is as follows: oatmeal 4 tbsp. l., honey 2 tbsp, salt and base oil 1 tbsp each, essential oil 3-5 drops. Apply to a wet, steamed body, rub thoroughly with massaging movements, let it soak for 3 minutes, rinse with water and pat dry. Instead of base oil, you can use sour cream or cream.

Salt scrub is prepared very simply: add a little base oil and essential oil to ground salt (preferably sea salt) to a slurry state. Quickly rub into the body, leave for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water. Cream or sour cream can be used in place of the base oil.

Scrub almond:

  • ground almonds,
  • base oil,
  • green tea,
  • essential oil (optional)

Add to a tea cup of ground almonds a teaspoon of base oil and a cup (or less - see how much the almonds absorb) of cooled green tea. We interfere to the state of slurry, dose a few drops of essential oil and apply with massaging movements to the steamed wet body. Almond seeds will cleanse the skin, the oil will nourish, and green tea will soothe irritation.

For dry skin, ground almonds can be mixed with cream, avocado puree, banana puree, or honey. These ingredients will nourish the skin with the necessary elements.

Coffee scrub is designed to combat cellulite due to the tonic effect of caffeine. You can take the waste from the coffee machine or the grounds from the brew and actively rub it into wet skin in its pure form. Be sure to use a strainer to drain and keep it full, as coffee can clog the drain pipe. You can also add ground orange zest, a few drops of carrier oil and orange essential oil to the coffee grounds to improve the effect. Another variation is a mixture of coffee and cream or honey or both. You can safely fantasize with the components, but keep in mind that coffee leaves dark marks on the skin and clothes.

To make a ground orange or grapefruit zest scrub, mix a handful of zest with a tablespoon of carrier oil, add a teaspoon of honey, a few drops of essential oil and rub into the skin until the zest is soaked. You will get an amazing refreshing aroma and anti-cellulite effect. Can be combined with oat bran, sugar, sea salt, coffee grounds or almonds with a little oil for a smoother application. Choose according to your preference, taking into account the characteristics of your skin.

Sugar scrub is just as easy to make: add a little base oil and a few drops of essential oil to the sugar. Since sugar melts quickly, apply quickly and on slightly damp skin. You can prepare a more fragrant mixture: add any herbs or a bag of green tea to sugar, a few drops of essential oil, cover the mixture with base oil and leave for several hours in a cool place to mix all the ingredients.

Turmeric scrub can be prepared as follows: 3/4 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons turmeric, 1/3 cup base oil, 3-5 drops of essential oils of your choice, mix into a soft paste. Take a warm shower and massage your skin with the prepared mixture. Turmeric stains the skin yellow, but it will disappear with thorough rinsing. The resulting effect - exfoliates and renews the skin of the body, rejuvenates and smoothes, improves the skin, perfectly nourishes.

If your skin needs extra nutrition, then you can prepare masks.

The moisturizing mask is made from banana and avocado. We mix the puree of these fruits in equal proportions, add a little cream (or honey), a few drops of essential oil and apply on the body cleaned with a scrub for 10-15 minutes.

A honey mask is prepared from one banana, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream, rubbed into a soft paste and applied to a wet body. Keep the mask on until dry. Rinse with warm water, do not wipe.

Oatmeal mask for dry and flabby skin is simple to perform: pour oatmeal / bran with warm milk or cream, apply with gentle massaging movements on the body, leave to absorb for several minutes, rinse with warm water. For a greater tonic effect, you can perform a contrast shower procedure: alternate warm and cold water several times.

For a coffee mask , grind a tablespoon of ground coffee with the same amount of olive oil and add two tablespoons of cream. The mixture should be slightly heated in a water bath, then applied to the body and left for ten minutes. Instead of cream, you can use sour cream or natural unsweetened yogurt.

A turmeric mask will help relieve inflammation, rejuvenate the skin, improve its color, and smooth out scars. We mix turmeric, honey and cream in equal proportions, apply to the cleansed body for 10-30 minutes. The result is achieved when the procedure is carried out every other day for a week.

Seasonal fruits can also be used to nourish the skin with the necessary elements , but very carefully, since a high concentration of organic acids and other components can cause allergic skin reactions. It is better to gradually add them to oatmeal or creamy masks.

Well, here is our little collection of beauty recipes. It does not contain all possible variations, but they are quite enough to keep your body in excellent condition at any time of the year. And in general, the main thing is to start! And then it will be interesting for you to come up with more and more new combinations. After all, these procedures are not only useful, but also pleasant. Feel free to experiment and enjoy the gifts of nature.

And remember that the beauty on the outside only reflects the beauty on the inside! Eat right, avoid fatty, chemical, heavy and unnatural foods, spend enough time in nature, socialize with positive people and trust yourself.


May all living beings be happy! 🙂

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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