HomeArticlesBeautician for myself. Part 1

Problems of modern beauty

To date, persistent advertising and modern standards of beauty have made a woman a slave of the cosmetology industry - not only psychologically, but also financially. It is worth going to any pharmacy, store or specialized boutiques, and there you can see hundreds of brands offering to make a real goddess out of a woman - without flaws! But does beauty really start with looks? I wonder how 50 years ago the ladies did without it? Were they ugly, or did no one marry?

The services of cosmetologists have gained incredible popularity and are in great demand. Therefore, women have ceased to love and accept themselves as they are: they seek to tighten, disguise, or even completely reshape those places that do not fit into the modern model of an ideal beauty. Lost not only contact with nature, but also with himself. Women no longer pay attention to their body and maintain beauty - they entrust it to the hands of other people. But even more sadly, they use various chemicals for this, which do more harm than good. It is worth reading the composition of any eminent expensive face cream, as half of the ingredients remain unclear, and the other half is horrifying. Don't you feel sorry, dear women, for mocking your own body like that?

In this article, I would like to start a story about more effective, cheap (!) And natural means for caring for your body. There is an expression: "Do not put on the body what you cannot eat." This is a very precise formulation of the rule of a healthy body, which, both inside and out, needs natural care. Therefore, to achieve the maximum effect, we also recommend switching to a more conscious and proper diet.

Ingredients for home beauty salon

As a cleansing, we will use homemade scrubs from improvised natural products that can be found in any store or pharmacy. We will feed with masks and oils. Rest assured, your skin will be grateful to you and will no longer agree to the products of the chemical industry. In addition to the effect of beauty and health, you will also feel contact with yourself, touching yourself with your own, and not with someone else's hands. This will give a new feeling of your body and a lot of positive emotions. You can also carry out procedures at any time convenient for you, without rushing anywhere and creating a calm atmosphere for yourself. The main thing is to carve out time for yourself from your busy schedule.

Consider the ingredients that will be useful to us in a home beauty salon.

As a base oil, according to your preferences and capabilities, you can use the following:

  • olive oil - contains a large amount of squapen (moisturizing component), calcium, iron, copper, as well as vitamins A, D and E, which neutralize the effects of free radicals, due to which the skin fades faster and wrinkles appear. Vitamin E is the most popular and versatile antioxidant;
  • burdock oil - the presence of proteins and useful acids in it contributes to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin, slowing down the formation of wrinkles. It also has an antiseptic property, helping with acne, boils, any inflammation, ingrown hairs;
  • almond oil - contained vitamins A, E and F slow down the aging process of the skin, maintain water balance, affect the activation of the sebaceous glands, which reduces the expansion of pores on the skin of the face.
  • shea butter (karite) - caristerols, which are part of the oil, have regenerating properties that can activate collagen synthesis, the properties of UV filters help slow down skin aging. The fatty acids present in the oil have a protective effect on the skin, namely, they protect it from dehydration and drying;
  • grape seed oil - it is called the "hormone of youth" for its high content of vitamin P. It helps to improve the tone and elasticity of tissues, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and protects from sunlight. Thanks to procyanide, an antioxidant found in grape seeds, the oil, when used systematically, helps to remove aggressive radicals from the body;
  • apricot kernel oil - penetrates the skin without leaving marks, helps reduce peeling, irritation, softens the skin, heals cracks well. Vitamin A, which is part of the oil, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of skin cells, normalizes the production of sebum;
  • jojoba (liquid wax) - after absorption does not leave a greasy sheen on the skin and hair. Possessing sufficient anti-inflammatory characteristics and stimulating skin regeneration, it heals cracks, cuts, injuries, irritations and dermatitis, and is also effectively used in anti-cellulite formulations, including to eliminate stretch marks;
  • coconut oil (melted) - for many centuries it has been an indispensable product for nourishing, softening and smoothing the skin, increasing its tone, adding shine to the hair, saving from burns. Its use in cosmetology will also give a pleasant smell of roasted coconut;
  • cocoa butter ( melted) - the heady aroma of chocolate all over your body - isn't it heaven? In addition to the psychological effect, it has a moisturizing, regenerating, anti-cellulite, softening effect, enhances the effect of beneficial components provided in cosmetic recipes, increases skin elasticity and smoothes wrinkles.

Make sure that you purchase organic, natural oils without various additives, obtained by natural means, not synthetic ones.

essential oils are used in cosmetics , which have a high concentration of nutrients:

  • tea tree - a powerful antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral and wound healing effects, is actively used in the care of oily and problematic facial skin, which suffers from acne and other kinds of pustular rashes;
  • rose oil - in addition to a pleasant floral aroma, it stimulates the regeneration (recovery) of cells, so it can be effectively used in the care of already mature and aging skin, restoring its youth and freshness. It can also be used in the care of the skin around the eyes;
  • Ylang Ylang is a versatile oil suitable for all skin types. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, helps get rid of acne, moisturizes, softens, soothes, and rejuvenates the skin;
  • lavender - the aroma of this oil has a regenerating and regulating effect on all body systems without exception, helps to lower blood pressure, normalize heart rhythm, equalize the pulse and eliminate pain in the heart. Used as an antidepressant. Suitable for the care of damaged or sagging skin, has bactericidal, healing and tonic properties;
  • sandalwood - has a huge range of actions, including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and antifungal, and also relieves skin inflammation in the shortest possible time;
  • orange - helps restore skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles, is used as a vitaminizing, whitening, protective and anti-cellulite agent. This oil is also perfect for problem skin - it will help to cope with enlarged pores and acne scars. Apply with caution as the warming effect of the oil may cause skin irritation.

On the shelves you will find many more oils that have the properties you need and satisfy your preferences. Before using any of the oils, be sure to read the contraindications and perform a sensitivity test (apply a few drops of the oil on the skin and check for irritation after a few minutes).

As scrubbing components we will use:

  • oat flakes or bran - known for their multivitamin composition and a wide range of beneficial effects on the human body, both inside and out. Exfoliate, nourish and soften the skin, making it fresh and velvety. A good effect is achieved when using bran due to their roughness and the large number of useful components contained;
  • coffee grounds - has an antioxidant, toning, cleansing, pore-reducing and nourishing effect, and also dyes the skin in darker tones (which can cause spots on the tissues). Good for anti-cellulite purposes;
  • sugar - perfectly cleanses dead skin cells, stimulates blood circulation and skin regeneration, nourishing with the necessary carbohydrates and making the skin smooth and tender. Helps fight stretch marks and cellulite;
  • ground sea salt - contains a huge amount of minerals, which helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues, tighten and renew the skin. It has an excellent anti-cellulite effect. In case of careless use and the presence of skin lesions, a burning sensation may appear;
  • ground orange peel is an excellent refreshing and anti-cellulite remedy, the aroma of which also has warming and antidepressant properties. You can not keep it on the skin for a long time due to the presence of organic acids - they can cause irritation. To obtain such an abrasive, it is necessary to peel the orange peel, dry it in a way convenient for you (in a dryer, in an oven, in the sun) and grind in a blender to obtain a powder;
  • ground apricot or almond pits are a wonderful abrasive that nourishes your skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles on young skin. It also smoothes mature facial skin, moisturizes, helps to remove black spots and acne, and protects the skin from dryness. To obtain a scrubbing powder, you need to grind a few apricot or almond seeds in a coffee grinder or blender until a homogeneous powder is obtained. Do not overdo it until the mass begins to release oil;
  • tea leaves - especially green (unroasted) tea - have the same rich properties as tea tree oil. Especially useful for problem skin. The scrub is very easy to prepare: it is enough to take brewed and cooled tea leaves in the palm of your hand and rub the treated skin areas with them; rinse with water;
  • turmeric is an indispensable Indian spice, which has antibacterial, wound healing, rejuvenating effect in cosmetology. Requires thorough rinsing due to yellow color.

To nourish, moisturize and soften the skin , in addition to the base oil, you can use the following components:

  • honey is a natural moisturizer, its components deeply cleanse the skin and pores, stop inflammation, fight acne and skin aging. If honey is candied, it can be used as a scrubbing element;
  • milk or cream - the fatty components of milk nourish dry skin and soften after abrasive exposure, give the skin whiteness and youth. Cleopatra's milk baths have been known since ancient times;
  • yogurt (live, without additives) / sour cream / kefir - amino acids contained in fermented milk products have excellent moisturizing properties, and lactic acid works like a natural scrub, perfectly removing dead and keratinized skin cells. Lactic acid molecules retain and bind moisture, thereby preventing skin dehydration. Result: wrinkles are smoothed, skin elasticity and firmness increase;
  • banana - fills the skin with many trace elements, nourishes and softens the skin. Of all the fruits, the most gentle and does not cause allergies, because it does not contain coarse acids that destroy the epidermis;
  • Avocado is the fattest fruit, the most powerful antioxidant, and an excellent natural skin moisturizer. It differs in that its components and oil easily penetrate very deep into the epidermis, which makes cosmetics based on it particularly effective. Accelerates cell regeneration and collagen production.

In addition to the positive impact on your skin, you will also bring invaluable environmental benefits:

  • with a decrease in demand, the volume of production decreases, and hence the negative impact on the planet (waste of the enterprise, carbon dioxide, consumption of resources, including energy);
  • you do not create excess non-degradable waste in nature (packaging after use);
  • do not pollute domestic wastewater with chemical waste.

In the next article, we will look at recipes for using this natural wealth for the health and beauty of our body. This is not a complete list of home help products. If you know about the rest, feel free to share them with other readers in the comments.

See also anekdotig:

Victoria Shurupova Victoria Shurupova

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